Stay up to date with your anti virus. More than 2.000 viruses was invented
Here, we provide some recommended anti virus.
Minggu, 17 Februari 2008
Jumat, 15 Februari 2008
One of the best antivirus in Indonesia even in the world.
Protect your computer from many viruses, Trojan, and worm.
This Antivirus (PCMAV) is made by PC MEDIA MAGAZINE. That magazine is one of the best computer magazine in Indonesia.
The interface of PCMAV is so friendly with beautiful appearance.
This antivirus (PCMAV) can be paired with CLAMAV.
PCMAV update build 2 can be downloaded from the direct link bellow
or if you don’t have PCMAV, please click
Antivirus with a fast performance and small size. ANSAV is recommended as your portable antivirus.
ANSAV has more than 700 virus signatures.
ANSAV has reliable action to defeat viruses
ANSAV download
CLAMAV ANTIVIRUS is a reliable antivirus with more than 98.000 virus signatures.
It is very helpful to protect your computer.
This antivirus has main.cvd as virus database
Clamav provides daily update with release daily.cvd
Download library CLAMAV
Extract (file "libpclamav.dll" only)
heuristic analysis, heuristics
A method of scanning that looks for patterns or activities that are virus-like, to detect new or previously undetected viruses.
macro virus
A malicious macro - a saved set of instructions created to automate tasks within certain applications or systems - that can be executed inadvertently, causing damage or replicating itself.
mass mailer virus
Viruses such as Melissa and Bubbleboy that propagate themselves rapidly using e-mail services.
mirror, mirroring
The act of copying the contents of one distributed software repository to another outside of the normal replication process.
Trojan horse
A program that either pretends to have, or is described as having, a set of useful or desirable features, but actually contains a damaging payload. Trojan horses are not technically viruses, because they do not replicate.
A program that is capable of replicating with little or no user intervention, and the replicated program(s) also replicate further.
A virus that spreads by creating duplicates of itself on other drives, systems, or networks.
Free Download Manager
Free Download Manager
Free Download Manager can help you to download files fast. Downloading processes can be paused and be continued easily. If the internet connection being failed or being down this software will continue downloading processes . Free download manager has special feature to ensure that the files isn’t dangerous or malicious. And you can see opinions from other downloader or user.
Score review
Free Download Manager is very helpful with less error than other download manager that writer had used. You can get this software easily and it’s free. You can get it from links
Three Thumbs up of Five Thumbs up is given to Free Download Manager.
If you ever used the Internet, you've probably encountered archive files like Zip, Rar, Arj etc. IZArc is the way to handle these archived files. It's both powerful and very fast. IZArc includes tight integration with My Computer and Windows Explorer. Drag and drop to or from Explorer, or zip and unzip without leaving Explorer. IZArc is extremely easy to use! To open an archive simply double click (or, you're working in Web style, click once) on an archive listed in My Computer or the Windows Explorer, drag and drop an archive onto IZArc, or use the standard Open dialog box. The main IZArc window features a list with the names, and sizes of all files in the open archive. This list can be scrolled and sorted on any field. A configurable tool bar provides fast access to commonly used actions. Extensive context sensitive help is always available. The Windows Drag and Drop interface is fully supported. You can drag and drop files from IZArc to other applications, or just into Windows Explorer to extract them into a specific directory. IZArc will extract the files before dropping them on the target application. The target application will treat the files as if they had been dropped from My Computer or the Windows Explorer. You can also drop archives on IZArc to open them, or drop files on IZArc to add them to an opened or new archive.
IZArc supports the following archive file type: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO
All features of IZArc:
Create an archive
Add files to an existing archive
Delete files from an existing archive
Extract files from an existing archive
Test an archive file
Convert archive
Convert CD Images
Repair broken archive
Searching for any files in many archives
Favorite Folders
Obtaining a detailed list of files and information like compression rate, path, or size from an archive file
Supports both long and short 8.3 filenames
Disk spanning from and to multiple diskettes or other removable media
Implementing the possibility to sort the list items by name size, date and etc.
Full Drag & Drop support
CD/DVD Images support (ISO, BIN, MDF, NRG, IMG, C2D, PDI, CDI)
Integrating in Windows Explorer context menu
Automatic installation of most software distributed in archive files
Add / View comments in an archive
By double-clicking onto a file in the file list, it's opened with the program associated to this file type
CheckOut feature
Create a self-extracting archive
E-mail an archive
Checking for new updates
Build-in multilanguage support
Virus Scan feature
UU/XX/MIME Encode/Decode
Create Multi-Volume Set
Merge Multi-Volume Set
UnSFX (Convert self-extracting (SFX) .EXE files to standard archives)
Encrypt files using Rijandael - AES (256-bits) encryption (WinZip 9 compatible)
Decrypt (.ize) files
Score Review
Uh….. IZArc has a lot of features. What a complete software! But Writer finds error in multilingual / Multilanguage feature, writer’s pc has Multilanguage and fonts installed (east Asian included ) . IZArc can’t show some languages with unique fonts.
For information IZArc got awards from several sites
Three Thumbs up of Five Thumbs up is given to IZArc
This malicious program category largely exploits operating system
vulnerabilities to spread itself. The class was named for the way the
worms crawl from computer to computer, using networks, e-mail, and
other data channels. This feature gives many worms a rather high speed
in spreading themselves.
Worms penetrate a computer, calculate the network addresses of other
computers, and send a burst of self-made copies to these addresses. In
addition to network addresses, worms often utilize data from e-mail client
address books. Some of these malicious programs occasionally create
working files on system disks, but they can run without any system
resources at all (with the exception of RAM).
Programs that infected other programs, adding their own code to them to
gain control of the infected files when they are opened. This simple
definition explains the fundamental action performed by a virus -
Programs that carry out unauthorized actions on computers, such as
deleting information on drives, making the system hang, stealing
confidential information, etc. This class of malicious program is not a virus
in the traditional sense of the word (meaning it does not infect other
computers or data). Trojans cannot break into computers on their own
and are spread by hackers, who disguise them as regular software. The
damage that they incur can exceed that done by traditional virus attacks
by several fold.
Recently, the most widespread type of malicious program damaging computer
data has been worms. Then follow viruses and Trojans. Some malicious
programs combine features of two or even three of these classes.
Program code included in software, unbeknownst to the user, designed to
display advertisements. Adware is usually built into software that is
distributed free. The advertisement is situated in the program interface.
These programs often also collect personal data on the user and send it
back to their developer, change browser settings (start page and search
pages, security levels, etc.) and create traffic that the user cannot control.
All this can lead to breach of the security policy and to direct financial
Software that collects information about a particular user or organization
without their knowledge. You might never guess that you have spyware
installed on your computer. In general, the goal of spyware is to: trace user actions on a computer; gather information on the contents of your hard drive; in such
cases, this more often than not involves scanning several
directories and the system registry in order to compile a list of
the software installed on the computer; gather information on the quality of the connection, bandwidth,
modem speed, etc.
Potentially dangerous software that does not have a malicious function
but can be used by hackers as an auxiliary component for a malicious
code, since it contains holes and errors. Under certain conditions, having
such programs on your computer can put your data at risk. These
programs include, for instance, some remote administration utilities,
keyboard layout togglers, IRC clients, FTP servers, and all-purpose
utilities for stopping process or hiding their operation.
Yet another type of malicious program that goes along with programs like
adware, spyware, and riskware is programs that plug into your web browser and
redirect traffic. You have most certainly encountered such programs if you have
ever opened one web site when you thought you were pulling up another.
Software that does not do any direct damage but displays messages
stating that damage has already been done or will be under certain
conditions. These programs often warn the user of dangers that do not
exist, such as messages that pop up about formatting the hard drive
(although no formatting actually takes place) or detecting viruses in
uninfected files.
Utilities used to conceal malicious activity. They mask malicious programs
to keep anti-virus programs from detecting them. Rootkits modify the
operating system on the computer and alter its basic functions to hide its
own existence and actions that the hacker undertakes on the infected
Other dangerous programs
Programs created to set up DoS attacks on remote servers, hacking into
other computers, and programs that are part of the development
environment for malicious programs. These programs include hack tools,
virus builders, vulnerability scanners, password-cracking programs, and
other types of programs for cracking network resources or penetrating a
One of the best antivirus in Indonesia even in the world.
Protect your computer from many viruses, Trojan, and worm.
This Antivirus (PCMAV) is made by PC MEDIA MAGAZINE. That magazine is one of the best computer magazine in Indonesia.
The interface of PCMAV is so friendly with beautiful appearance.
This antivirus (PCMAV) can be paired with CLAMAV.
PCMAV update build 2 can be downloaded from the direct link bellow
or if you don’t have PCMAV, please click
Antivirus with a fast performance and small size. ANSAV is recommended as your portable antivirus.
ANSAV has more than 700 virus signatures.
ANSAV has reliable action to defeat viruses
ANSAV download
CLAMAV ANTIVIRUS is a reliable antivirus with more than 98.000 virus signatures.
It is very helpful to protect your computer.
This antivirus has main.cvd as virus database
Clamav provides daily update with release daily.cvd
Download library CLAMAV
Extract (file "libpclamav.dll" only)
heuristic analysis, heuristics
A method of scanning that looks for patterns or activities that are virus-like, to detect new or previously undetected viruses.
macro virus
A malicious macro - a saved set of instructions created to automate tasks within certain applications or systems - that can be executed inadvertently, causing damage or replicating itself.
mass mailer virus
Viruses such as Melissa and Bubbleboy that propagate themselves rapidly using e-mail services.
mirror, mirroring
The act of copying the contents of one distributed software repository to another outside of the normal replication process.
Trojan horse
A program that either pretends to have, or is described as having, a set of useful or desirable features, but actually contains a damaging payload. Trojan horses are not technically viruses, because they do not replicate.
A program that is capable of replicating with little or no user intervention, and the replicated program(s) also replicate further.
A virus that spreads by creating duplicates of itself on other drives, systems, or networks.
Free Download Manager
Free Download Manager
Free Download Manager can help you to download files fast. Downloading processes can be paused and be continued easily. If the internet connection being failed or being down this software will continue downloading processes . Free download manager has special feature to ensure that the files isn’t dangerous or malicious. And you can see opinions from other downloader or user.
Score review
Free Download Manager is very helpful with less error than other download manager that writer had used. You can get this software easily and it’s free. You can get it from links
Three Thumbs up of Five Thumbs up is given to Free Download Manager.
If you ever used the Internet, you've probably encountered archive files like Zip, Rar, Arj etc. IZArc is the way to handle these archived files. It's both powerful and very fast. IZArc includes tight integration with My Computer and Windows Explorer. Drag and drop to or from Explorer, or zip and unzip without leaving Explorer. IZArc is extremely easy to use! To open an archive simply double click (or, you're working in Web style, click once) on an archive listed in My Computer or the Windows Explorer, drag and drop an archive onto IZArc, or use the standard Open dialog box. The main IZArc window features a list with the names, and sizes of all files in the open archive. This list can be scrolled and sorted on any field. A configurable tool bar provides fast access to commonly used actions. Extensive context sensitive help is always available. The Windows Drag and Drop interface is fully supported. You can drag and drop files from IZArc to other applications, or just into Windows Explorer to extract them into a specific directory. IZArc will extract the files before dropping them on the target application. The target application will treat the files as if they had been dropped from My Computer or the Windows Explorer. You can also drop archives on IZArc to open them, or drop files on IZArc to add them to an opened or new archive.
IZArc supports the following archive file type: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO
All features of IZArc:
Create an archive
Add files to an existing archive
Delete files from an existing archive
Extract files from an existing archive
Test an archive file
Convert archive
Convert CD Images
Repair broken archive
Searching for any files in many archives
Favorite Folders
Obtaining a detailed list of files and information like compression rate, path, or size from an archive file
Supports both long and short 8.3 filenames
Disk spanning from and to multiple diskettes or other removable media
Implementing the possibility to sort the list items by name size, date and etc.
Full Drag & Drop support
CD/DVD Images support (ISO, BIN, MDF, NRG, IMG, C2D, PDI, CDI)
Integrating in Windows Explorer context menu
Automatic installation of most software distributed in archive files
Add / View comments in an archive
By double-clicking onto a file in the file list, it's opened with the program associated to this file type
CheckOut feature
Create a self-extracting archive
E-mail an archive
Checking for new updates
Build-in multilanguage support
Virus Scan feature
UU/XX/MIME Encode/Decode
Create Multi-Volume Set
Merge Multi-Volume Set
UnSFX (Convert self-extracting (SFX) .EXE files to standard archives)
Encrypt files using Rijandael - AES (256-bits) encryption (WinZip 9 compatible)
Decrypt (.ize) files
Score Review
Uh….. IZArc has a lot of features. What a complete software! But Writer finds error in multilingual / Multilanguage feature, writer’s pc has Multilanguage and fonts installed (east Asian included ) . IZArc can’t show some languages with unique fonts.
For information IZArc got awards from several sites
Three Thumbs up of Five Thumbs up is given to IZArc
This malicious program category largely exploits operating system
vulnerabilities to spread itself. The class was named for the way the
worms crawl from computer to computer, using networks, e-mail, and
other data channels. This feature gives many worms a rather high speed
in spreading themselves.
Worms penetrate a computer, calculate the network addresses of other
computers, and send a burst of self-made copies to these addresses. In
addition to network addresses, worms often utilize data from e-mail client
address books. Some of these malicious programs occasionally create
working files on system disks, but they can run without any system
resources at all (with the exception of RAM).
Programs that infected other programs, adding their own code to them to
gain control of the infected files when they are opened. This simple
definition explains the fundamental action performed by a virus -
Programs that carry out unauthorized actions on computers, such as
deleting information on drives, making the system hang, stealing
confidential information, etc. This class of malicious program is not a virus
in the traditional sense of the word (meaning it does not infect other
computers or data). Trojans cannot break into computers on their own
and are spread by hackers, who disguise them as regular software. The
damage that they incur can exceed that done by traditional virus attacks
by several fold.
Recently, the most widespread type of malicious program damaging computer
data has been worms. Then follow viruses and Trojans. Some malicious
programs combine features of two or even three of these classes.
Program code included in software, unbeknownst to the user, designed to
display advertisements. Adware is usually built into software that is
distributed free. The advertisement is situated in the program interface.
These programs often also collect personal data on the user and send it
back to their developer, change browser settings (start page and search
pages, security levels, etc.) and create traffic that the user cannot control.
All this can lead to breach of the security policy and to direct financial
Software that collects information about a particular user or organization
without their knowledge. You might never guess that you have spyware
installed on your computer. In general, the goal of spyware is to: trace user actions on a computer; gather information on the contents of your hard drive; in such
cases, this more often than not involves scanning several
directories and the system registry in order to compile a list of
the software installed on the computer; gather information on the quality of the connection, bandwidth,
modem speed, etc.
Potentially dangerous software that does not have a malicious function
but can be used by hackers as an auxiliary component for a malicious
code, since it contains holes and errors. Under certain conditions, having
such programs on your computer can put your data at risk. These
programs include, for instance, some remote administration utilities,
keyboard layout togglers, IRC clients, FTP servers, and all-purpose
utilities for stopping process or hiding their operation.
Yet another type of malicious program that goes along with programs like
adware, spyware, and riskware is programs that plug into your web browser and
redirect traffic. You have most certainly encountered such programs if you have
ever opened one web site when you thought you were pulling up another.
Software that does not do any direct damage but displays messages
stating that damage has already been done or will be under certain
conditions. These programs often warn the user of dangers that do not
exist, such as messages that pop up about formatting the hard drive
(although no formatting actually takes place) or detecting viruses in
uninfected files.
Utilities used to conceal malicious activity. They mask malicious programs
to keep anti-virus programs from detecting them. Rootkits modify the
operating system on the computer and alter its basic functions to hide its
own existence and actions that the hacker undertakes on the infected
Other dangerous programs
Programs created to set up DoS attacks on remote servers, hacking into
other computers, and programs that are part of the development
environment for malicious programs. These programs include hack tools,
virus builders, vulnerability scanners, password-cracking programs, and
other types of programs for cracking network resources or penetrating a
Senin, 11 Februari 2008
One of the best antivirus in Indonesia even in the world.
Protect your computer from many viruses, Trojan, and worm.
This Antivirus (PCMAV) is made by PC MEDIA MAGAZINE. That magazine is one of the best computer magazine in Indonesia.
The interface of PCMAV is so friendly with beautiful appearance.
This antivirus (PCMAV) can be paired with CLAMAV.
PCMAV update build 2 can be downloaded from the direct link bellow
or if you don’t have PCMAV, please click OTHER POST BELOW
One of the best antivirus in Indonesia even in the world.
Protect your computer from many viruses, Trojan, and worm.
This Antivirus (PCMAV) is made by PC MEDIA MAGAZINE. That magazine is one of the best computer magazine in Indonesia.
The interface of PCMAV is so friendly with beautiful appearance.
This antivirus (PCMAV) can be paired with CLAMAV.
PCMAV update build 2 can be downloaded from the direct link bellow
or if you don’t have PCMAV, please click OTHER POST BELOW
Sabtu, 26 Januari 2008
Yoo Seung Jun - Vision
AhNeelGuhRah MalHaeDo NoonGamJiNhn MalAhNaeGgoomEhl ChaJul TaeNeeGaSoot JiMan HaNa Shik MeRuhGaNhnUhJaeWa DdokGatUhn JiChi AhChimEulSaengGakUpShe ChaeNeunHan DhShe MatJiHaGo EetNe?MoDaGa DaokGatUhn PeunJoenEuh SheGae DheDaeRoBiMeUh MajChuhNa GaMeuh GueDaeRoNuhNhn JungMalRo HengBokHalGuhNe?NooGooRhl WeeHan GotDo AhNeah, GgoomEeUbDaMyun...MeNuUlDaeRoh SalAhMan GanDaMyunGoAhYeun GgoomGgool Soo EhShlGgah?KuhDaRa NalGaeRhl DalAh! SaShe TaeUhNahHuhMooHa Gae NameGeuhJin UhJaeRhl BuhSuhNa!NooPee NalGo ShipDaMyunJagUhn MangSulEemUhm GuhDunChaBuhReah!GghtUpNhn MeJiRhl HeAngHae NaeDidUhYah Hae!SaeRupGae SheJagDaeNhn OhNhnAae NooGooDoNaRhl DaeShin SalAhJoolSooNhn UpNhn GuhYahChooOonNalUhh AhlRaeRhGe DdaWeAae GubUhl UmNaeNhn GuhSheUhDdokGae HengBokHaeJiNhn GuhYah?GhRaeDa GhRuhGae MooGeunSangTaeAae GeelOhlYuhJuhSuhJaShinDo MoRhGae YakHaeJuh GaNhnDae...OolUhBuhRin GutMan GatUhn HooHae DaeNhjGae MeedRuhOlDaeGhDdaen NhGae DaelGuhYahJinJungHan JaShinUh BaRamAae GaGamGae Ga GeWuhHaeGgoomUhl MumChooUhSuhNhn AhnDaeNae SalamUhl SaNhn GutShe AhNeYahDdhtShe UpDaMyunMaeNyuUhlDaeRo SalAhMan GanDaMyun GoAhDaMyun GoAhYun GgoomGgool Soo EhShlGga?Ggue AhMooDa AlSooUpNhn NaeEelRo NaeDeedUh...
Jung Il Young - Gido
Hogshi narur tonaryonun gudemamihimdun narur wiheso guron iyuingayoharu mankhum morojyodo goenchanhayogude odi issodo sarangingor midoyoGuten nan michyo mollajyo narur bonun gude nunbidjagun gude oke jochado ana jursu obdon nega shirhojyo woo~Onjekaji surphun unmyong urir gallanohadoto dashi gude mamur ullijinun anhurgoeyooton godo naui guder deshinhar su obgieijenun gudeboda sojunghangon nege obdangor anayoNarur bomyo unun gude gu misoganegen nomuna bogchan guron hengbog ingoryodo gakai gide wado goenchanhayogude sumgyor nukinun jigum isungan choromGuten nan michyo mollajyo narur bonun gude nunbidjagun gude oke jochado ana jursu obdon nega shirhojyo woo~Onjekaji surphun unmyong urir gallanohadoto dashi gude mamur ullijinun anhurgoeyooton godo naui guder deshinhar su obgieijenun gudeboda sojunghangon nege obdangor anayoOnjekajina yogi issoyojagun songir dahun gosegude sarangi narur bullojyogude gyothuro woo~Onjekaji surphun unmyong urir gallanohadoto dashi gude mamur ullijinun anhurgoeyooton godo naui guder deshinhar su obgieijenun gudeboda sojunghangon nege obdangor anayo
OST Hotelier - Gude nege onun nar
Amudo obdahedo weroum nan mollayosarangdo sesangdo modu ne kume sarjyogidarir gude isso jigumur nan gyondyoyone anui gudewa ibyor obnun gosesogathun shigansog gathun chuogur ijen nanwoyoNomu mon gose iji anhgirurgipumui gunari gude nege onun narsumgyon nunmur jiwo gudewa namungonojig sarang punigir surphumun obnungoryone anui gude isso honjaga animurGude hogshi anayo gidarir gude issojigumur nan gyondyoyo ne anui gudewaibyor obnun goseso...gude ijen negero...
OST Winter Story - My memory
MY MEMORY modu giogheyogusungan nunur gamumyon aju jagun irdo boineyoYOU'RE FAR AWAY dahursu obnun gosesaranghandanun mardo gidarindanun margohaji mothagoJongmar mollajyo guder irohge dashi mannar jurun sengagjocha mothessojyoajig nor saranghe ijerado nege gobegharkeI WANNA LOVE FOREVER nuji anhadamyon irohge nawa hamke yongwonhiOredongan guden naui gasume manhun shigan hullodoaju molli issodo sara issojyoJongmar mollajyo guder irohge dashi mannar jurun sengagjocha mothessojyoajig nor saranghe ijerado nege gobegharkeI WANNA LOVE FOREVER nuji anhadamyon irohge nawa hamke yongwonhi
Thanks God - Kangta
tteo na ga deon kil ah swi weot na yo cha ggoo ggoom sok eh na wa yocheol eop teon na eui mo deup eun ee chen oot eo chweo yo na do ham ah pol kkeh yo po go sip eo dokeu dan na eui hang pok man pa raet chyo na eop seo wi ro ool ttae myeon noo koon ka ka yeop eh it kehto wa chweo yo cheh pal geu nyeo reul teo ee sang ool chi an kenoon mool eop neun keu kot ehha neul ee yeo go ma weo yo geu nyeo reul poo tak hae yooo ri da si man nano ryeok hal kkeh yo ga go sip eo do ga go sip chi man an dwae chyo an chen ka geu nal ee wa yooo reon cham si deol yo chyeodo wa chweo yo che pal geu nyeo reul teo ee sang ool chi an kenoon mol eop neun keu kot ehha neul ee yeo go ma weo yo geu nyeo reul po dak hae yooo ri da si man nano ryeok hal kkeh yo ga go sip eo do ga go sip chi man
big mama - break away
ee jen nal dduh na ga jwoh ee jen nal da eet juh jwoh na leul buh li go sal ah ga jwoh ga juh gan nae sarang eul nae gae dol lyuh jwoh cha la li dduh nat da myun cha la li jook uht da myun uh jjuhl soo ubt shee cham eul ten dae ee dae loh gyun di gi ga nuh moo him deul uh dan han bun na leul bwah joo gi leul mal eul hae joo gi leul yae jun chuh lum dan han bun man geu luh kae nuh leul gi da li go nuh leul sarang hae wat neun dae *break away no I can wait nae ga nuhl bo nae jool kkae pyun ha gae I'll make my way I throw my pain ee jen nan nuh ubt shee doh sal soo eet gae nuhl dduh na mam pyun ha gae nuhl dduh na heng bok ha gae ee jen nae ahn ae nuh leul buh lyuh nuhl we hae him deul uht dun ji nan nal eun ji wot ssuh woo yun hee na leul bo duh la doh na leul ji na chuh jwoh nuh leul eet jeun na leul we hae hok shi nuh mal eul guhl uh wah doh na neun moh leun chae hal ten dae repeat * gab ja gi ni ga ddoh seng gak na nuhl dduh nan guh lan guhl eet go suh nae ga nuhl cha ja doh nun mo leu neun chuk noo gool cha ja wat nya go ddoh da shi nal dol ah suh jwoh I'll make my way I throw my pain da shi nuhl ba la bo go sal soon ubt ssuh break away no i can wait ee jen nal da buh li go dduh na jwoh I'll make my way I throw my pain chuh eum boo tuh nun ubt ssut dun saram chuh lum break away
eugene - the best
*You are the best thing in my life eun jae na na ae gyuh tae suh heng bok han kkoom eul kko neun geu dae ga eet ssuh noon ddeu myun kkae uh jin kkoom ee dwel kka doo lyuh woh haet joh chuh eum euh loh neu kkin sarang ee ni kka uh lyuh suh boo tuh hon ja in na leul ae chuh lob gae ba la bo neun geu noon bit nuh moo na shil uht ssuh noon mool doh ma leun sang chuh leul neu kkyuh sseul ddae neun nan nuh moo na doh kuh buh lyuht ssuht ji woo yun hee seu chuh ji nan geu del bon soon gan chuh eum euh loh sarang ee nae ga seum sok euh loh deul uh wat ssuht joh You are the best thing in my life sae sang ee ah reum da oon gun na man eul ji kyuh joo neun geu dae ga eet ssuh young won hee ham kkae hal kkoom ee dwae gil gido hal kkae yo nuh moo ah reum da oon sarang ee ni kka eun jae kka ji na jam shi nal dduh na gat sseul ddae seul peum sok ae geu del won mang ha myun eet jeu lyuh noh lyuk hae bwaht ji man uh jjuh da ma joo chil guh lan gi del gan jik ha myun oh laet dong ahn geu li woh haet ssuht ji dda ddeut han geu dae son eul chuh eum jab dun nal dal kom haet dun eeb ma choom ee nae young hon kka ji gam ssa ahn ah jwoht joh repeat * nuh moo na ah peun sang chuh soom gyuh wat ji man ee jen duh ee sang noon mool dda won ubt ssuh geu dae yuh na ae gil eul balk hyuh jwoh yo on sae sang kkeut kka ji la doh eun jae na geu del sarang hae You are the best thing in my life young won hee ham kkae hal kkoom ee dwae gil gido hal kkae yo nuh moo gi da li dun sarang ee ni kka eun jae kka ji na (girl you are the best thing in my life)
ock ju hyun - nan
jal ji nae go eet gaet joh nae guk jung eun mool lon ha ji ahn kaet joh nan ah jik buh leut chuh lum geu del guk jung hae yo dduh na dun geu dweet mo seub muhn ji ga teun jum ee dwel ddae kka ji doh bal guhl eum jo cha ddel soo ubt dun geu nal ee hoo *sae sang kkeut nan deut ool dun nan oot seum doh na oh dun nan nuk shee na gan saram chuh lum nat gwah bam doh eel uh buh lin chae sal at ji man da shi seng gak haet joh geu dae ga sal ah eet dan gae go mab da go ah jik eun jung mang doh ee leul kkuh la go byun han gun ubt sseul kkuh yae yo da man geu dae ubt neun sarang doh nan ji kyuh ga joh nae bun jjae son ga lak ae oh len shi gan muh moon ban ji ja wook doh uh neu sae chae woh bun lin geu del bon nal ee hoo repeat * uh jjuh myun geu dae doh man ee nat sul uh suh jo geum shik nae gae loh dol ah on da go geu luh kae seng gak hal lae yo da man geu dae ubt neun sarang doh hol loh ji kyuh ga neun guh joh ee luh kae shi jak doh geu laet joh eek sook han guhl yo ah peun guht doh nae mot shee joh da man yuh jun hee geu dae man eul sarang hae yo nan
Park Jiyoon - Hwansang
Geu dae yuh doh rah ohl soon up nah yoOo ri dah shi yae jun chuh rum mahl ae yoSuh roh reul gah jyut ddahn ee yoo mahn eu rohNuh moo doh heng bok haet ddunGeu dae yuh ji geum heng bok hahn gah yoGeu saram ee geu ruh kae hae joo nah yoAh ni myun geu dae nae gae doh rah wah yoNahn hang sang gi dah ryuh yoGeu ddae dduh nahn guhl hae uh jyut ddah neun guhlHohn jah rah neun guhl nahn mi deul soo gah up neun guhlJuh moon eul yuhl goh guh ruh deu ruh oh neun Geu dae moh seup mahn ah jik doh dduh oh reu neun guhlAh jik doh geu dael gi dah rin dah myunAh jik doh geu dae seng gahk ae ohn dah myunGeu dae neun mi deul soo gah up kkaet jji yoNahl babo rah hah gaet jjyoGeu ddae dduh nahn guhl hae uh jyut ddah neun guhlHohn jah rah neun guhl nahn mi deul soo gah up neun guhlJuh moon eul yuhl goh guh ruh deu ruh oh neun Geu dae moh seup mahn ah jik doh dduh oh reu neun guhlGeu nahl dduh nah uhl mah nah heng bok hae jyut nah yoNae gah up neun sahl mi hwuhl shin duh joh tuhn gah yoNah neun geu dae dduh nah gahn dwi tung bin geu jah ri reulGeu uh ddun guh seu roh doh chae oo jil moht hae yoGeu ddae dduh nahn guhl hae uh jyut ddah neun guhlHohn jah rah neun guhl nahn mi deul soo gah up neun guhlJuh moon eul yuhl goh guh ruh deu ruh oh neun Geu dae moh seup mahn ah jik doh dduh oh reu neun guhl
Brown Eyes 2nd02. jom jom
Jomjom nor morojinabwa ugoinun nar bwateron myochirshig phyon hagejinejomjom nor inungo gatha onurchoromJomjom non tonaga nawa harunun michigodaum narimyon goenchanha jyossodaman surphume igsughejir puningor jomjom...Ojida to sengag nanorur gurir tega omyon summaghige jichyoesso chama nersu igejigurohge nor boryo ne aphumdo jomjomJomjom non moroji nabwa guge phyonheji nabwanoui orgurdo sengagi annajomjom norur boringo gatha na onuse jomjom...Ojida to sengag nanorur gurir tega omyon summaghige jichyoesso chama nersu igejigurohge nor boryo ne aphumdo jomjomOjida to sengag nanorur gurir tega omyon summaghige jichyoesso chama nersu igejigurohge nor boryoLONG GOODBYES NO AWAY GOODBYEijen narsson mogsorie norur burunungorshigani narur da borigone surphumdo ije morojyoga jomjom
04. ddonajima
Mworago marur hanagu saramur wihesootohge dallejunaurgoinun noegegurohge nunmur jiumyonne maum aphujanhahagophun marun manhundegonner suga objanhane maum we mollasaranghago inundegu mamdo mollajugootohge narur saranghegudeyo we tonanungane maum urgo ijanhagudeyo tonaji maragudeyoGurohge nunmur jijumyonne maum aphujanhahagophun marun manhundegon nersuga objanhane mamur we mollasaranghago inundegu mamdo mollajugootohge narur saranghegudeyo we tonanungane maum urgo ijanhagudeyo tonaji maragudeyo
06. sarang (I Wanna Fall In Love With You)
YO! I WANNA FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUmachi yonghwasog juin gongdur chorom surphur tena gipur tedogurigo himidur te hamke harsu inun guron sarangur gidarijyomidowadon saramdurun nege aphum manur namgigo ijeamugodo namunge obnun naui maum sogedurowa nar chewojur saram dangshinirangor baroYO! dashi na himdun harui kuthe na hollo nama sursurhan gorir godgo shiphjin anhane jagun wethu jumoni soge solle inun nugun gaui jako buduroun sonur jabgoonur ibamur hayom obshi dodgo shiphodoisang na weroun gurim jarur mandur ginu shirhoharui shijakwa kuthur gathi harsu inun sarangijenun naegedo guron sarangi phiryoheI WANNA FALL IN LOVEI WANNA FALL IN LOVEI WANNA FALL IN LOVEWANNA FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUsarange pajyo bwayo gude ormana gidarijyo DON'T YOU BABYmangsoriji marayo gude wiheKumsogeso guridon wang janimur chanun damyonne modun gosur bachyo na gude jikhyoyongwonthorog guwa hamke hagir gido hajyoguga himidur ten himi doeojujyochadichan barami gurur jina gamyonna gude manui baram magiga doejugoto guga surpho nunmure jojossur tegu manui usani doe gurur jikhyojurira I WANNA FALL IN LOVE I WANNA FALL IN LOVE I WANNA FALL IN LOVE WANNA FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUsarange pajyo bwayo gude ormana gidarijyo DON'T YOU BABYmangsoriji marayo gude wiheuh! yo! gu dongan myobonui aphum ibyorur gyoko nan dashi gyorkhosarang tawinun haji anhgedasu obshi manhun dajimur hejimanonuse na seroun sarangur kumkwomannar ten tasuhan phonguro heojir ten darkhom han khisurosesangur nege sonmurharsu inun guron saramur gidaryoijagun benchi wi guriume nagsorur hamyoSarange pajyo bwayo gude ormana gidarijyo DON'T YOU BABYmangsoriji marayo gude wihe
09. For You (doragajwo)
Dashin ojima ne sonur jabjima YOU KNOWonjedunji gurohge dashi nar boryodo nan noramyon jogheNe gyothe obsodo nar gaji mothedo YOU KNOWsesang kuthnar tekaji boso narsu obso argo igejimanFOR YOU doragajwo naro inhe saranginon do shwiwojin goman gatha TAKE ON YOUR LIFEnoui sarangi kuthnar ten we narur chajaniga orkabwa nanun narun sarando mothajanhaIjen gu mandwo to nege onun ilhansang non onjena guredushiNo himduro jimyon to narur chagejiijenun momullo han gose momullo YOU KNOWniga saranghar saram nor saranghar saram dan hanmyongi myon doeFOR YOU doragajwo nugun garur wihesonoui jonburur gonungoya TAKE ON YOUR LIFEguron hengunui sarangur we mollaniga han saramege pajin sarangur hagirbareNegenun gojipunin nojimanne ane damgin sesangiran noranun gor FOR YOUFOR YOU doragajwo naro inhe saranginon do shwiwojin goman gatha TAKE ON YOUR LIFEnoui sarangi kuthnar ten we narur chajaniga orkabwa nanun narun sarando mothajanha
11. guraedo dwegetni
Guredo na doegeni jamshiman guredo doegenigunyor bomyonso nor to ollyodo na guredo doegenigutekajiman guredo na goenchanhinor darmun gunyor saranghedogunyor bomyonso nor to ollyodo na guredo goenchanhiijen gunyor saranghargeHarujinado to dashi dashi to haru jinadorognar doug himdurgehe to ollir te mada nomuna aphajamshiman ijurge gutekaji~Guredo na doegeni jamshi donganman nor ijurgeseroun chuogdur mandullyogo na guredo doegeniijen no anin gunyowaHajiman to dashi dashi to haru gurohge jinadorog guriwouyon chorom mannan gunyoegeso ni orgur chanungor argo iniguredo na goenchanhi nor darmun gunyor saranghedogunyor bomyonso nor to ollyodo na guredo goenchanhiijen gyor saranghargeGunyor saranghanun irjocha nor saranghanun iljamshi donganman nor igo sargena guredo doegeni dashi mannar narkajiman
13. Miss You...
I'm gonna miss you girl...You know I cannot hide this loveYou gotta see the way I am used to fill me up nowUsed me up and left me here not cryingDon't you know I can't pretend that nothing happenNow you here I'll say what's on my mindI'll never love another, no I'm gonna miss youOh, Girl heart was breaking when you said, "Let's just be friends"I'm gonna try to show you all the love I'm feelingNeed your body just to amendsI'm gonna miss youThough all you were looking for was somebody to be thereI wanna show you I love youI'll never forget youI can't just your friendYou say it wasn't loveMy tears are not like thatWhy did you fill me up only to use me up?You're wondering why I'm cryingNow, take me... Come on and try my loveNo, don't break me...Come on and see what I am made ofListen, girl, to all that's on my mindI'll never love another girlWhy did you fill me up?
Yogin odijumirkanomu manhi jichyosso nabwahime gyowo hedon narduraju oredoen yegin goman gathaGiphun hansum oren giogshwibji anhun shiganduri hurugosangcho punin surphun ojesarmi shwibge byon harsunun obnundeYogin odijumirkajigum nega soinun gosunamu sengag najir anhagojimar gathun nardurGudeui miso gudeui umsonggudeui momjid huthojidon morigyorgojishiona nunmur mejhin orgur(gurohge sarawanunde)sanurhan nungir darkhomhan yagsogjiwojyo borin hyangiroun gojimarjonbu yonunde negen jonbuinde(negen jonbu inde)Gudeui miso gudeui umsonggudeui momjid huthojidon morigyorgojishiona nunmur mejhin orgur(michir goman gathun na)sanurhan nungir darkhomhan yagsogjiwojyo borin hyangiroun gojimarjonbu yonunde negen jonbuinde(negen jonbu inde)Yogin odijumirkanomu manhi jichyosso nabwaorejon giphun surphumannanun jigum odie
15. ipyol song
Onur ibami jinagamyonmajimagi doegejimanguder bonenun insa deshinejamdun changur jikhinun najyourir ardon jo darbichinarur bomyo egihajyonomu manhi saranghan thasenunmur monjo beundago...hogshi guron narur bonda hedomoru~nun chog dora~soyo~ne nunmur borsu~obgehogshirado gude mosubmonur yorgo nawajurkairon naui surphun giderurbudi guden morugirur...Hogshi guron narur bonda hedomoru~nun chog dora~soyo~gudeyo phyonhi~ gayoonur ibami jinagamyonmajimagi doegejimanguder bonenun insa deshinejamdun changur jikhijyo...ibyoriran~yagsoghagi jagi obgoiron naui surphum giderurbudi guden morugirur
Kang sung-hoon - Ojik No
Garyojin nunmur soge sarangi onurkajiman naigir barenor igo saraya har na yogshido ama himidur thenikamajimag norur ango shiphjiman doraso ijoya har thejimannor manna saranghedon nari guriwo nomu duryowo michir go gathaUri idero suchyoga gien nunmuri mojaramaumkod urodo ijen borsuga objanhanaege juodon sarangkajido da gajigo garkejugodo ne sarang byonchi anhge ojig no hanaroOrmana manhi apha hallonji ojig na bake obdon no indegidaryo dallanun gumardo mothago monjo tonanun narur yongsoheUri idero suchyoga gien nunmuri mojaramaumkod urodo ijen borsuga objanhanaege juodon sarangkajido da gajigo garkejugodo ne sarang byonchi anhge ojig no hanaroHengbog hagir bare nur werobgeman hedon na yossojohun saram mannaso hengboghe ne jonjenun obnun goyaNaui nuni moroso nor bonen goya? gajirsu obgiedashinun sarang harsu obdedo? huhoenun obsuni
Cha Tae Hyun ---> Again To Me
We norur sarang hedongorka?we ne mamur modu noege juonawe negen ibyori kuthi aningorkatugobge sarang hedon uridorasoso nami doeoya man hanadashi dollirsun obna saranghe~Ijyoboryo nor wonmanghedomiwoharyo dajimhe bwadodallajirgodo obshi iron nege sarang il puniyahengboghedon shiganduri chuogi anin bisudoeonega gasumur jillodo doersu obshi surin gasum man buyojabjiWe norur sarang hedongorka?we ne mamur modu noege juonawe negen ibyori kuthi aningorkatugobge sarang hedon uridorasoso nami doeoya man hanadashi dollirsun obna saranghe~Dajong hedon noui nunbichur sarangira midodon goyadan hanbon do uriui ibyorur sengag haji mothessomorojyo ganun urie hoemihe jinun giogsogenoui misonun jogumdo hwaneji anhgonarur do himdur geheWe norur sarang hedongorka?we ne mamur modu noege juonawe negen ibyori kuthi aningorkatugobge sarang hedon uridorasoso nami doeoya man hanadashi dollirsun obna saranghe~Dashi negero wajwo saranghe~!
Sung Si Kyung ---> Hee Jae
haessarun uril wihe nerigo baramdo sorul kamsage hetjyo.uri usumsoke kyejorun ogo ddo katjyoparame hundullinun morigyol nege buro onun gude hyanggiyeppun du nundo usumsorido moduga negosi otjyo*iron sarang iron hengbok swipda hesotjyoiron mosub iron chukbok nege swipge olli opjyonunmul jocha urum jocha dakkji mot han najongmallo ulmyon nega gudael bonejun got kat'asogudae ddonaganun gu sungando narul gokjong hesotnayomuotdo hejulsu opnun nae mam apesoguden narul ddona ganda hedo nan gudel bonaejun jok opjyoyojonhi gudenun narul salgehanun iyuilteni*repeatgudae ddona ganun gu sun gando narul gokjong hesotnayomuotdo haejulsu opnun nae mam apesogudaen narul ddonakandahedo nan gudael bonaejok opjyogidarimuro dashi sijakil teniolmana saranghenunji olmana do saranghenunjigudaeyo han sungan jocha ijji marayo (ijji marayo)gogi ddonagan gugoseso nal giokhamyo gidaryoyo(nal giokhejyoyo)han opsi gudeege dagaganun nail teni
Loveholic ----> Loveholic
Ah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE tu tu tu...giogui thonor sogur na hemeo unun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE tu tu tu...noranun suphsogeso nan gargosur irhun LOVEHOLIC Parapapa iron mobsor byong mobsor byong sumi maghyo jugur go gathajidoghan byongi ojedo onurdo nomu aphugiman hegunyang monghani nunmuri hullo I'M LOVEHOLICAh ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE chumchunun huin yongi chorom giogui thonor sogurna hemeo unun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE boryojin sajingi chorom nor dashin damursu obsobusojyo ganun LOVEHOLICParapapa iron burchi byong burchi byong amugodo harsu objanhamogyondyo nergoya neirdo moredo michir duthan aphumegunyang idero urgo igeji I'M LOVEHOLICAh ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE chumchunun huin yongi chorom giogui thonor sogurna hemeo unun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE soroun shirin bi chorom kuth obshi soda nerimyohan obshi unun LOVEHOLICAh ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE nargerur dachin se chorom noranun suphsogesonan gar gosur irhun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE boryojin sajingi chorom nor dashin damursu obsobusojyo ganun LOVEHOLICDagaojima giog sog kum sogerado
Kang Sunghoon - Chuk-bok
Ara ijenun oji anhgejyo gu dongan nomu hengboghessoyogakum nege jonhejun sesang yegiwa arumdabdon kod gomawossoyoijeya ne maumi nohyoyo... gamsahangoryo gude gasume dashi phin sarangehajiman guden morur goyeyo... guge narangor...boiji anhge jikhyojugo shiphjyo... na guder irohgerado...Ama nassorji anhassogejyo... guegeso nar nukyossonayo...guder bomyon bangawo twigiman hejyo... harsu inun gon gugo puninde...ijeya ne maumi nohyoyo... gamsahangoryo gude gasume dashi phin sarangehajiman guden morur goyeyo... guge narangor...boiji anhge jikhyojugo shiphjyo... na guder irohgerado...Nunmuri nado chugboghe durirgeyo... narjiugo... ijenun gudeui girur gaseyobudi... goenchanhayo nan wo wo~Nan chugbog badun sarmijyo... irohgerado saranghan gude gyothe momurdorog...yongwonhi heojimyon andoeyo... guwanun jebal...gurom nawado ibyorir thenika...kog yongwonhagir bareyo... na dubon tonaji anhge...
HOT- the promise of HOT (uri deurae maengsae) [T]
We all draw the same dream in our minds.At this moment, we feel that we are one.The beautiful days came when we loved each other.Sometimes when I couldn't stand the loneliness anymore,What woke me up was the fact that we are one.We know that it will be eternal.Because we will all remember the promise we have always been making.Until the days we grow old and tired,The dream that can't be put to a sleep will be alive.Maybe I can remember youThe practice hall we first met (The countless sweat and tears we shed along the way)I can't forget them because those were such precious days.The reason I couldn't sit and rest when I was tired or exhausted,Was because of your love that had faith in me.We know that it will be eternal.Because we will all remember the promise we have always been making.Until the days we grow old and tired,The dream that can't be put to a sleep will be alive.There are many days we have to explore together-Let's gather our strength and start again-The solid promise towards each other that wouldn't change-The beautiful days will last forever-We know that it will be eternal.Because we will all remember the promise we have always been making.Until the days we grow old and tired,The dream that can't be put to a sleep will be alive.
Kangta - sarangeun giokboda (Memories) [T]
I lived for a long time without speaking, as if I had sickness that disabled my voice. Watching you, who can not even remember me, I, too, lived erasing you. Like you who can not find your old self, I, too, lived like I can't remember you. Let this moment not be reality.* You wouldn't know. You wouldn't remember who I am. Long time spent together and happy memories, everything will be blank to you. If only I can see your old self again, even though I couldn't, even just once would not be allowed. I am a stranger to you. Is recalling further than love? Is recalling further than our memories? Look into my eyes. Can't you see the person you were together for a long time? Can't you see? *Repeat* I wonder if I can survive just one day. I probably couldn't. I wonder if I can be fine for just once. I, too, like a person who does not remember. I am a stranger to you.
AhNeelGuhRah MalHaeDo NoonGamJiNhn MalAhNaeGgoomEhl ChaJul TaeNeeGaSoot JiMan HaNa Shik MeRuhGaNhnUhJaeWa DdokGatUhn JiChi AhChimEulSaengGakUpShe ChaeNeunHan DhShe MatJiHaGo EetNe?MoDaGa DaokGatUhn PeunJoenEuh SheGae DheDaeRoBiMeUh MajChuhNa GaMeuh GueDaeRoNuhNhn JungMalRo HengBokHalGuhNe?NooGooRhl WeeHan GotDo AhNeah, GgoomEeUbDaMyun...MeNuUlDaeRoh SalAhMan GanDaMyunGoAhYeun GgoomGgool Soo EhShlGgah?KuhDaRa NalGaeRhl DalAh! SaShe TaeUhNahHuhMooHa Gae NameGeuhJin UhJaeRhl BuhSuhNa!NooPee NalGo ShipDaMyunJagUhn MangSulEemUhm GuhDunChaBuhReah!GghtUpNhn MeJiRhl HeAngHae NaeDidUhYah Hae!SaeRupGae SheJagDaeNhn OhNhnAae NooGooDoNaRhl DaeShin SalAhJoolSooNhn UpNhn GuhYahChooOonNalUhh AhlRaeRhGe DdaWeAae GubUhl UmNaeNhn GuhSheUhDdokGae HengBokHaeJiNhn GuhYah?GhRaeDa GhRuhGae MooGeunSangTaeAae GeelOhlYuhJuhSuhJaShinDo MoRhGae YakHaeJuh GaNhnDae...OolUhBuhRin GutMan GatUhn HooHae DaeNhjGae MeedRuhOlDaeGhDdaen NhGae DaelGuhYahJinJungHan JaShinUh BaRamAae GaGamGae Ga GeWuhHaeGgoomUhl MumChooUhSuhNhn AhnDaeNae SalamUhl SaNhn GutShe AhNeYahDdhtShe UpDaMyunMaeNyuUhlDaeRo SalAhMan GanDaMyun GoAhDaMyun GoAhYun GgoomGgool Soo EhShlGga?Ggue AhMooDa AlSooUpNhn NaeEelRo NaeDeedUh...
Jung Il Young - Gido
Hogshi narur tonaryonun gudemamihimdun narur wiheso guron iyuingayoharu mankhum morojyodo goenchanhayogude odi issodo sarangingor midoyoGuten nan michyo mollajyo narur bonun gude nunbidjagun gude oke jochado ana jursu obdon nega shirhojyo woo~Onjekaji surphun unmyong urir gallanohadoto dashi gude mamur ullijinun anhurgoeyooton godo naui guder deshinhar su obgieijenun gudeboda sojunghangon nege obdangor anayoNarur bomyo unun gude gu misoganegen nomuna bogchan guron hengbog ingoryodo gakai gide wado goenchanhayogude sumgyor nukinun jigum isungan choromGuten nan michyo mollajyo narur bonun gude nunbidjagun gude oke jochado ana jursu obdon nega shirhojyo woo~Onjekaji surphun unmyong urir gallanohadoto dashi gude mamur ullijinun anhurgoeyooton godo naui guder deshinhar su obgieijenun gudeboda sojunghangon nege obdangor anayoOnjekajina yogi issoyojagun songir dahun gosegude sarangi narur bullojyogude gyothuro woo~Onjekaji surphun unmyong urir gallanohadoto dashi gude mamur ullijinun anhurgoeyooton godo naui guder deshinhar su obgieijenun gudeboda sojunghangon nege obdangor anayo
OST Hotelier - Gude nege onun nar
Amudo obdahedo weroum nan mollayosarangdo sesangdo modu ne kume sarjyogidarir gude isso jigumur nan gyondyoyone anui gudewa ibyor obnun gosesogathun shigansog gathun chuogur ijen nanwoyoNomu mon gose iji anhgirurgipumui gunari gude nege onun narsumgyon nunmur jiwo gudewa namungonojig sarang punigir surphumun obnungoryone anui gude isso honjaga animurGude hogshi anayo gidarir gude issojigumur nan gyondyoyo ne anui gudewaibyor obnun goseso...gude ijen negero...
OST Winter Story - My memory
MY MEMORY modu giogheyogusungan nunur gamumyon aju jagun irdo boineyoYOU'RE FAR AWAY dahursu obnun gosesaranghandanun mardo gidarindanun margohaji mothagoJongmar mollajyo guder irohge dashi mannar jurun sengagjocha mothessojyoajig nor saranghe ijerado nege gobegharkeI WANNA LOVE FOREVER nuji anhadamyon irohge nawa hamke yongwonhiOredongan guden naui gasume manhun shigan hullodoaju molli issodo sara issojyoJongmar mollajyo guder irohge dashi mannar jurun sengagjocha mothessojyoajig nor saranghe ijerado nege gobegharkeI WANNA LOVE FOREVER nuji anhadamyon irohge nawa hamke yongwonhi
Thanks God - Kangta
tteo na ga deon kil ah swi weot na yo cha ggoo ggoom sok eh na wa yocheol eop teon na eui mo deup eun ee chen oot eo chweo yo na do ham ah pol kkeh yo po go sip eo dokeu dan na eui hang pok man pa raet chyo na eop seo wi ro ool ttae myeon noo koon ka ka yeop eh it kehto wa chweo yo cheh pal geu nyeo reul teo ee sang ool chi an kenoon mool eop neun keu kot ehha neul ee yeo go ma weo yo geu nyeo reul poo tak hae yooo ri da si man nano ryeok hal kkeh yo ga go sip eo do ga go sip chi man an dwae chyo an chen ka geu nal ee wa yooo reon cham si deol yo chyeodo wa chweo yo che pal geu nyeo reul teo ee sang ool chi an kenoon mol eop neun keu kot ehha neul ee yeo go ma weo yo geu nyeo reul po dak hae yooo ri da si man nano ryeok hal kkeh yo ga go sip eo do ga go sip chi man
big mama - break away
ee jen nal dduh na ga jwoh ee jen nal da eet juh jwoh na leul buh li go sal ah ga jwoh ga juh gan nae sarang eul nae gae dol lyuh jwoh cha la li dduh nat da myun cha la li jook uht da myun uh jjuhl soo ubt shee cham eul ten dae ee dae loh gyun di gi ga nuh moo him deul uh dan han bun na leul bwah joo gi leul mal eul hae joo gi leul yae jun chuh lum dan han bun man geu luh kae nuh leul gi da li go nuh leul sarang hae wat neun dae *break away no I can wait nae ga nuhl bo nae jool kkae pyun ha gae I'll make my way I throw my pain ee jen nan nuh ubt shee doh sal soo eet gae nuhl dduh na mam pyun ha gae nuhl dduh na heng bok ha gae ee jen nae ahn ae nuh leul buh lyuh nuhl we hae him deul uht dun ji nan nal eun ji wot ssuh woo yun hee na leul bo duh la doh na leul ji na chuh jwoh nuh leul eet jeun na leul we hae hok shi nuh mal eul guhl uh wah doh na neun moh leun chae hal ten dae repeat * gab ja gi ni ga ddoh seng gak na nuhl dduh nan guh lan guhl eet go suh nae ga nuhl cha ja doh nun mo leu neun chuk noo gool cha ja wat nya go ddoh da shi nal dol ah suh jwoh I'll make my way I throw my pain da shi nuhl ba la bo go sal soon ubt ssuh break away no i can wait ee jen nal da buh li go dduh na jwoh I'll make my way I throw my pain chuh eum boo tuh nun ubt ssut dun saram chuh lum break away
eugene - the best
*You are the best thing in my life eun jae na na ae gyuh tae suh heng bok han kkoom eul kko neun geu dae ga eet ssuh noon ddeu myun kkae uh jin kkoom ee dwel kka doo lyuh woh haet joh chuh eum euh loh neu kkin sarang ee ni kka uh lyuh suh boo tuh hon ja in na leul ae chuh lob gae ba la bo neun geu noon bit nuh moo na shil uht ssuh noon mool doh ma leun sang chuh leul neu kkyuh sseul ddae neun nan nuh moo na doh kuh buh lyuht ssuht ji woo yun hee seu chuh ji nan geu del bon soon gan chuh eum euh loh sarang ee nae ga seum sok euh loh deul uh wat ssuht joh You are the best thing in my life sae sang ee ah reum da oon gun na man eul ji kyuh joo neun geu dae ga eet ssuh young won hee ham kkae hal kkoom ee dwae gil gido hal kkae yo nuh moo ah reum da oon sarang ee ni kka eun jae kka ji na jam shi nal dduh na gat sseul ddae seul peum sok ae geu del won mang ha myun eet jeu lyuh noh lyuk hae bwaht ji man uh jjuh da ma joo chil guh lan gi del gan jik ha myun oh laet dong ahn geu li woh haet ssuht ji dda ddeut han geu dae son eul chuh eum jab dun nal dal kom haet dun eeb ma choom ee nae young hon kka ji gam ssa ahn ah jwoht joh repeat * nuh moo na ah peun sang chuh soom gyuh wat ji man ee jen duh ee sang noon mool dda won ubt ssuh geu dae yuh na ae gil eul balk hyuh jwoh yo on sae sang kkeut kka ji la doh eun jae na geu del sarang hae You are the best thing in my life young won hee ham kkae hal kkoom ee dwae gil gido hal kkae yo nuh moo gi da li dun sarang ee ni kka eun jae kka ji na (girl you are the best thing in my life)
ock ju hyun - nan
jal ji nae go eet gaet joh nae guk jung eun mool lon ha ji ahn kaet joh nan ah jik buh leut chuh lum geu del guk jung hae yo dduh na dun geu dweet mo seub muhn ji ga teun jum ee dwel ddae kka ji doh bal guhl eum jo cha ddel soo ubt dun geu nal ee hoo *sae sang kkeut nan deut ool dun nan oot seum doh na oh dun nan nuk shee na gan saram chuh lum nat gwah bam doh eel uh buh lin chae sal at ji man da shi seng gak haet joh geu dae ga sal ah eet dan gae go mab da go ah jik eun jung mang doh ee leul kkuh la go byun han gun ubt sseul kkuh yae yo da man geu dae ubt neun sarang doh nan ji kyuh ga joh nae bun jjae son ga lak ae oh len shi gan muh moon ban ji ja wook doh uh neu sae chae woh bun lin geu del bon nal ee hoo repeat * uh jjuh myun geu dae doh man ee nat sul uh suh jo geum shik nae gae loh dol ah on da go geu luh kae seng gak hal lae yo da man geu dae ubt neun sarang doh hol loh ji kyuh ga neun guh joh ee luh kae shi jak doh geu laet joh eek sook han guhl yo ah peun guht doh nae mot shee joh da man yuh jun hee geu dae man eul sarang hae yo nan
Park Jiyoon - Hwansang
Geu dae yuh doh rah ohl soon up nah yoOo ri dah shi yae jun chuh rum mahl ae yoSuh roh reul gah jyut ddahn ee yoo mahn eu rohNuh moo doh heng bok haet ddunGeu dae yuh ji geum heng bok hahn gah yoGeu saram ee geu ruh kae hae joo nah yoAh ni myun geu dae nae gae doh rah wah yoNahn hang sang gi dah ryuh yoGeu ddae dduh nahn guhl hae uh jyut ddah neun guhlHohn jah rah neun guhl nahn mi deul soo gah up neun guhlJuh moon eul yuhl goh guh ruh deu ruh oh neun Geu dae moh seup mahn ah jik doh dduh oh reu neun guhlAh jik doh geu dael gi dah rin dah myunAh jik doh geu dae seng gahk ae ohn dah myunGeu dae neun mi deul soo gah up kkaet jji yoNahl babo rah hah gaet jjyoGeu ddae dduh nahn guhl hae uh jyut ddah neun guhlHohn jah rah neun guhl nahn mi deul soo gah up neun guhlJuh moon eul yuhl goh guh ruh deu ruh oh neun Geu dae moh seup mahn ah jik doh dduh oh reu neun guhlGeu nahl dduh nah uhl mah nah heng bok hae jyut nah yoNae gah up neun sahl mi hwuhl shin duh joh tuhn gah yoNah neun geu dae dduh nah gahn dwi tung bin geu jah ri reulGeu uh ddun guh seu roh doh chae oo jil moht hae yoGeu ddae dduh nahn guhl hae uh jyut ddah neun guhlHohn jah rah neun guhl nahn mi deul soo gah up neun guhlJuh moon eul yuhl goh guh ruh deu ruh oh neun Geu dae moh seup mahn ah jik doh dduh oh reu neun guhl
Brown Eyes 2nd02. jom jom
Jomjom nor morojinabwa ugoinun nar bwateron myochirshig phyon hagejinejomjom nor inungo gatha onurchoromJomjom non tonaga nawa harunun michigodaum narimyon goenchanha jyossodaman surphume igsughejir puningor jomjom...Ojida to sengag nanorur gurir tega omyon summaghige jichyoesso chama nersu igejigurohge nor boryo ne aphumdo jomjomJomjom non moroji nabwa guge phyonheji nabwanoui orgurdo sengagi annajomjom norur boringo gatha na onuse jomjom...Ojida to sengag nanorur gurir tega omyon summaghige jichyoesso chama nersu igejigurohge nor boryo ne aphumdo jomjomOjida to sengag nanorur gurir tega omyon summaghige jichyoesso chama nersu igejigurohge nor boryoLONG GOODBYES NO AWAY GOODBYEijen narsson mogsorie norur burunungorshigani narur da borigone surphumdo ije morojyoga jomjom
04. ddonajima
Mworago marur hanagu saramur wihesootohge dallejunaurgoinun noegegurohge nunmur jiumyonne maum aphujanhahagophun marun manhundegonner suga objanhane maum we mollasaranghago inundegu mamdo mollajugootohge narur saranghegudeyo we tonanungane maum urgo ijanhagudeyo tonaji maragudeyoGurohge nunmur jijumyonne maum aphujanhahagophun marun manhundegon nersuga objanhane mamur we mollasaranghago inundegu mamdo mollajugootohge narur saranghegudeyo we tonanungane maum urgo ijanhagudeyo tonaji maragudeyo
06. sarang (I Wanna Fall In Love With You)
YO! I WANNA FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUmachi yonghwasog juin gongdur chorom surphur tena gipur tedogurigo himidur te hamke harsu inun guron sarangur gidarijyomidowadon saramdurun nege aphum manur namgigo ijeamugodo namunge obnun naui maum sogedurowa nar chewojur saram dangshinirangor baroYO! dashi na himdun harui kuthe na hollo nama sursurhan gorir godgo shiphjin anhane jagun wethu jumoni soge solle inun nugun gaui jako buduroun sonur jabgoonur ibamur hayom obshi dodgo shiphodoisang na weroun gurim jarur mandur ginu shirhoharui shijakwa kuthur gathi harsu inun sarangijenun naegedo guron sarangi phiryoheI WANNA FALL IN LOVEI WANNA FALL IN LOVEI WANNA FALL IN LOVEWANNA FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUsarange pajyo bwayo gude ormana gidarijyo DON'T YOU BABYmangsoriji marayo gude wiheKumsogeso guridon wang janimur chanun damyonne modun gosur bachyo na gude jikhyoyongwonthorog guwa hamke hagir gido hajyoguga himidur ten himi doeojujyochadichan barami gurur jina gamyonna gude manui baram magiga doejugoto guga surpho nunmure jojossur tegu manui usani doe gurur jikhyojurira I WANNA FALL IN LOVE I WANNA FALL IN LOVE I WANNA FALL IN LOVE WANNA FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUsarange pajyo bwayo gude ormana gidarijyo DON'T YOU BABYmangsoriji marayo gude wiheuh! yo! gu dongan myobonui aphum ibyorur gyoko nan dashi gyorkhosarang tawinun haji anhgedasu obshi manhun dajimur hejimanonuse na seroun sarangur kumkwomannar ten tasuhan phonguro heojir ten darkhom han khisurosesangur nege sonmurharsu inun guron saramur gidaryoijagun benchi wi guriume nagsorur hamyoSarange pajyo bwayo gude ormana gidarijyo DON'T YOU BABYmangsoriji marayo gude wihe
09. For You (doragajwo)
Dashin ojima ne sonur jabjima YOU KNOWonjedunji gurohge dashi nar boryodo nan noramyon jogheNe gyothe obsodo nar gaji mothedo YOU KNOWsesang kuthnar tekaji boso narsu obso argo igejimanFOR YOU doragajwo naro inhe saranginon do shwiwojin goman gatha TAKE ON YOUR LIFEnoui sarangi kuthnar ten we narur chajaniga orkabwa nanun narun sarando mothajanhaIjen gu mandwo to nege onun ilhansang non onjena guredushiNo himduro jimyon to narur chagejiijenun momullo han gose momullo YOU KNOWniga saranghar saram nor saranghar saram dan hanmyongi myon doeFOR YOU doragajwo nugun garur wihesonoui jonburur gonungoya TAKE ON YOUR LIFEguron hengunui sarangur we mollaniga han saramege pajin sarangur hagirbareNegenun gojipunin nojimanne ane damgin sesangiran noranun gor FOR YOUFOR YOU doragajwo naro inhe saranginon do shwiwojin goman gatha TAKE ON YOUR LIFEnoui sarangi kuthnar ten we narur chajaniga orkabwa nanun narun sarando mothajanha
11. guraedo dwegetni
Guredo na doegeni jamshiman guredo doegenigunyor bomyonso nor to ollyodo na guredo doegenigutekajiman guredo na goenchanhinor darmun gunyor saranghedogunyor bomyonso nor to ollyodo na guredo goenchanhiijen gunyor saranghargeHarujinado to dashi dashi to haru jinadorognar doug himdurgehe to ollir te mada nomuna aphajamshiman ijurge gutekaji~Guredo na doegeni jamshi donganman nor ijurgeseroun chuogdur mandullyogo na guredo doegeniijen no anin gunyowaHajiman to dashi dashi to haru gurohge jinadorog guriwouyon chorom mannan gunyoegeso ni orgur chanungor argo iniguredo na goenchanhi nor darmun gunyor saranghedogunyor bomyonso nor to ollyodo na guredo goenchanhiijen gyor saranghargeGunyor saranghanun irjocha nor saranghanun iljamshi donganman nor igo sargena guredo doegeni dashi mannar narkajiman
13. Miss You...
I'm gonna miss you girl...You know I cannot hide this loveYou gotta see the way I am used to fill me up nowUsed me up and left me here not cryingDon't you know I can't pretend that nothing happenNow you here I'll say what's on my mindI'll never love another, no I'm gonna miss youOh, Girl heart was breaking when you said, "Let's just be friends"I'm gonna try to show you all the love I'm feelingNeed your body just to amendsI'm gonna miss youThough all you were looking for was somebody to be thereI wanna show you I love youI'll never forget youI can't just your friendYou say it wasn't loveMy tears are not like thatWhy did you fill me up only to use me up?You're wondering why I'm cryingNow, take me... Come on and try my loveNo, don't break me...Come on and see what I am made ofListen, girl, to all that's on my mindI'll never love another girlWhy did you fill me up?
Yogin odijumirkanomu manhi jichyosso nabwahime gyowo hedon narduraju oredoen yegin goman gathaGiphun hansum oren giogshwibji anhun shiganduri hurugosangcho punin surphun ojesarmi shwibge byon harsunun obnundeYogin odijumirkajigum nega soinun gosunamu sengag najir anhagojimar gathun nardurGudeui miso gudeui umsonggudeui momjid huthojidon morigyorgojishiona nunmur mejhin orgur(gurohge sarawanunde)sanurhan nungir darkhomhan yagsogjiwojyo borin hyangiroun gojimarjonbu yonunde negen jonbuinde(negen jonbu inde)Gudeui miso gudeui umsonggudeui momjid huthojidon morigyorgojishiona nunmur mejhin orgur(michir goman gathun na)sanurhan nungir darkhomhan yagsogjiwojyo borin hyangiroun gojimarjonbu yonunde negen jonbuinde(negen jonbu inde)Yogin odijumirkanomu manhi jichyosso nabwaorejon giphun surphumannanun jigum odie
15. ipyol song
Onur ibami jinagamyonmajimagi doegejimanguder bonenun insa deshinejamdun changur jikhinun najyourir ardon jo darbichinarur bomyo egihajyonomu manhi saranghan thasenunmur monjo beundago...hogshi guron narur bonda hedomoru~nun chog dora~soyo~ne nunmur borsu~obgehogshirado gude mosubmonur yorgo nawajurkairon naui surphun giderurbudi guden morugirur...Hogshi guron narur bonda hedomoru~nun chog dora~soyo~gudeyo phyonhi~ gayoonur ibami jinagamyonmajimagi doegejimanguder bonenun insa deshinejamdun changur jikhijyo...ibyoriran~yagsoghagi jagi obgoiron naui surphum giderurbudi guden morugirur
Kang sung-hoon - Ojik No
Garyojin nunmur soge sarangi onurkajiman naigir barenor igo saraya har na yogshido ama himidur thenikamajimag norur ango shiphjiman doraso ijoya har thejimannor manna saranghedon nari guriwo nomu duryowo michir go gathaUri idero suchyoga gien nunmuri mojaramaumkod urodo ijen borsuga objanhanaege juodon sarangkajido da gajigo garkejugodo ne sarang byonchi anhge ojig no hanaroOrmana manhi apha hallonji ojig na bake obdon no indegidaryo dallanun gumardo mothago monjo tonanun narur yongsoheUri idero suchyoga gien nunmuri mojaramaumkod urodo ijen borsuga objanhanaege juodon sarangkajido da gajigo garkejugodo ne sarang byonchi anhge ojig no hanaroHengbog hagir bare nur werobgeman hedon na yossojohun saram mannaso hengboghe ne jonjenun obnun goyaNaui nuni moroso nor bonen goya? gajirsu obgiedashinun sarang harsu obdedo? huhoenun obsuni
Cha Tae Hyun ---> Again To Me
We norur sarang hedongorka?we ne mamur modu noege juonawe negen ibyori kuthi aningorkatugobge sarang hedon uridorasoso nami doeoya man hanadashi dollirsun obna saranghe~Ijyoboryo nor wonmanghedomiwoharyo dajimhe bwadodallajirgodo obshi iron nege sarang il puniyahengboghedon shiganduri chuogi anin bisudoeonega gasumur jillodo doersu obshi surin gasum man buyojabjiWe norur sarang hedongorka?we ne mamur modu noege juonawe negen ibyori kuthi aningorkatugobge sarang hedon uridorasoso nami doeoya man hanadashi dollirsun obna saranghe~Dajong hedon noui nunbichur sarangira midodon goyadan hanbon do uriui ibyorur sengag haji mothessomorojyo ganun urie hoemihe jinun giogsogenoui misonun jogumdo hwaneji anhgonarur do himdur geheWe norur sarang hedongorka?we ne mamur modu noege juonawe negen ibyori kuthi aningorkatugobge sarang hedon uridorasoso nami doeoya man hanadashi dollirsun obna saranghe~Dashi negero wajwo saranghe~!
Sung Si Kyung ---> Hee Jae
haessarun uril wihe nerigo baramdo sorul kamsage hetjyo.uri usumsoke kyejorun ogo ddo katjyoparame hundullinun morigyol nege buro onun gude hyanggiyeppun du nundo usumsorido moduga negosi otjyo*iron sarang iron hengbok swipda hesotjyoiron mosub iron chukbok nege swipge olli opjyonunmul jocha urum jocha dakkji mot han najongmallo ulmyon nega gudael bonejun got kat'asogudae ddonaganun gu sungando narul gokjong hesotnayomuotdo hejulsu opnun nae mam apesoguden narul ddona ganda hedo nan gudel bonaejun jok opjyoyojonhi gudenun narul salgehanun iyuilteni*repeatgudae ddona ganun gu sun gando narul gokjong hesotnayomuotdo haejulsu opnun nae mam apesogudaen narul ddonakandahedo nan gudael bonaejok opjyogidarimuro dashi sijakil teniolmana saranghenunji olmana do saranghenunjigudaeyo han sungan jocha ijji marayo (ijji marayo)gogi ddonagan gugoseso nal giokhamyo gidaryoyo(nal giokhejyoyo)han opsi gudeege dagaganun nail teni
Loveholic ----> Loveholic
Ah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE tu tu tu...giogui thonor sogur na hemeo unun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE tu tu tu...noranun suphsogeso nan gargosur irhun LOVEHOLIC Parapapa iron mobsor byong mobsor byong sumi maghyo jugur go gathajidoghan byongi ojedo onurdo nomu aphugiman hegunyang monghani nunmuri hullo I'M LOVEHOLICAh ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE chumchunun huin yongi chorom giogui thonor sogurna hemeo unun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE boryojin sajingi chorom nor dashin damursu obsobusojyo ganun LOVEHOLICParapapa iron burchi byong burchi byong amugodo harsu objanhamogyondyo nergoya neirdo moredo michir duthan aphumegunyang idero urgo igeji I'M LOVEHOLICAh ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE chumchunun huin yongi chorom giogui thonor sogurna hemeo unun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE soroun shirin bi chorom kuth obshi soda nerimyohan obshi unun LOVEHOLICAh ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE nargerur dachin se chorom noranun suphsogesonan gar gosur irhun LOVEHOLICah ih oh LOVE ah ih oh LOVE boryojin sajingi chorom nor dashin damursu obsobusojyo ganun LOVEHOLICDagaojima giog sog kum sogerado
Kang Sunghoon - Chuk-bok
Ara ijenun oji anhgejyo gu dongan nomu hengboghessoyogakum nege jonhejun sesang yegiwa arumdabdon kod gomawossoyoijeya ne maumi nohyoyo... gamsahangoryo gude gasume dashi phin sarangehajiman guden morur goyeyo... guge narangor...boiji anhge jikhyojugo shiphjyo... na guder irohgerado...Ama nassorji anhassogejyo... guegeso nar nukyossonayo...guder bomyon bangawo twigiman hejyo... harsu inun gon gugo puninde...ijeya ne maumi nohyoyo... gamsahangoryo gude gasume dashi phin sarangehajiman guden morur goyeyo... guge narangor...boiji anhge jikhyojugo shiphjyo... na guder irohgerado...Nunmuri nado chugboghe durirgeyo... narjiugo... ijenun gudeui girur gaseyobudi... goenchanhayo nan wo wo~Nan chugbog badun sarmijyo... irohgerado saranghan gude gyothe momurdorog...yongwonhi heojimyon andoeyo... guwanun jebal...gurom nawado ibyorir thenika...kog yongwonhagir bareyo... na dubon tonaji anhge...
HOT- the promise of HOT (uri deurae maengsae) [T]
We all draw the same dream in our minds.At this moment, we feel that we are one.The beautiful days came when we loved each other.Sometimes when I couldn't stand the loneliness anymore,What woke me up was the fact that we are one.We know that it will be eternal.Because we will all remember the promise we have always been making.Until the days we grow old and tired,The dream that can't be put to a sleep will be alive.Maybe I can remember youThe practice hall we first met (The countless sweat and tears we shed along the way)I can't forget them because those were such precious days.The reason I couldn't sit and rest when I was tired or exhausted,Was because of your love that had faith in me.We know that it will be eternal.Because we will all remember the promise we have always been making.Until the days we grow old and tired,The dream that can't be put to a sleep will be alive.There are many days we have to explore together-Let's gather our strength and start again-The solid promise towards each other that wouldn't change-The beautiful days will last forever-We know that it will be eternal.Because we will all remember the promise we have always been making.Until the days we grow old and tired,The dream that can't be put to a sleep will be alive.
Kangta - sarangeun giokboda (Memories) [T]
I lived for a long time without speaking, as if I had sickness that disabled my voice. Watching you, who can not even remember me, I, too, lived erasing you. Like you who can not find your old self, I, too, lived like I can't remember you. Let this moment not be reality.* You wouldn't know. You wouldn't remember who I am. Long time spent together and happy memories, everything will be blank to you. If only I can see your old self again, even though I couldn't, even just once would not be allowed. I am a stranger to you. Is recalling further than love? Is recalling further than our memories? Look into my eyes. Can't you see the person you were together for a long time? Can't you see? *Repeat* I wonder if I can survive just one day. I probably couldn't. I wonder if I can be fine for just once. I, too, like a person who does not remember. I am a stranger to you.
Kamis, 24 Januari 2008
Heejun 2jibtake
01. My Life is...and My Way 3:43 - Heejun 2jibtake
my hand nae gah sahl ah gah noon ee yooand my way nah yeh oom ahk ool wee haenah yeh noh rae oh ee roh oon gil ee rah doh nahsah rah gahl uh ryuh oon gil ee rah dohjee chil dae nae gah soom shil soo ohb dah hae dohnah eh gehn nae sal myeh juhn boo een guhlgah goom sheek dae rohn heem gyuh woh hah jee mahn nahn oh nool doh nae gee rool guhl uh gah nehnah yeh oom ahk nah yae gee moh doo rool nahn hah nah yeh gool roh suh nae ryuh gah nehtake my hand nae gah heem gyuh ool dae mah dahand my way nahn dah shee doh eel uh nah take my hand nae gah sahl ah gah noon ee yooand my way nah yeh oom ahk ool wee hae
02. (Human Individual Cloning) 4:13 - Heejun 2jib
mahl uhp shee, tae uh nahn, nahn H.I.C , noo goon gah mahn dool uh naenahn sahl ah gahn dah nah eh geh joo uh jin sahl mee rah myuh dohk gah toon uh deen gah eh nahn doh sahl ah gahn dah nae guh noon goo noo pee goo noo pee nah yeh shal mee rah juhn hae jin nah yeh goo gil Cross my eyes (*close my eyes? lol) jae dae roh hae boh jee doh moht hahn wee gee ruh gee nahn ah jeek nahl doh moht hah noon dae Wae Go!Wae nahl Break! juh gee Mark wee* goo daen nahl wee hahn guh rah gohnuhl wee hae sahl ah dahl rah gohnae gah uh duh geh dwee doon saeng gwahn up sheetoo myung hahn yoo ree byuhng soh geh goo go shee nah rool eet geh hahnchah gah oon goo gee uh gool eet goh shee poh** mah jee mahk ee gee rool doo buhn dah see ee ruh eel uhp gee roolnuh eh geh bah rahl geh nah eh geh doh nae ggoom ee ee noon guhl nuh noon wae ee juhn moh doo jee ohk gah toon guhl (x4)juh gee juh gee wee gee ruh gee (x4)Go!nahl jee kyuh bah wae Break!nahl jee kyuh bah juh gee Mark wee*repeat**repeatnahl jee kyuh bah ee dae roh duh ee sahng moh doon guhl dahng hah goh mahn eet jee ahn nah Break!
3.(Generous...) 3:41 - Heejun 2jib
goo dae eh gehn hah goh poon mahl sah rahng hae yoh sah rahng hahn dahn mahl boon ee jyoh wae moht doo jyoh nae gah hahn mahloo ree suh roh dah roon gee reh suh ee noon guh geh jyohahn dwaeahn dwaewae ah pah mahn hae yohnahn ah moo guh doh goo dae eh moh doon guhl hae jool soo gah nahn uhp noon deh oh jeek nah mahn ee dahng shin ool ahn ah jool soo gah uhp noon guhlnae gah hahl soo ee noon guh shee ah moo guh doh uhp noon bee chahm hahnahng sahng hahn gah jee yeh choh rah hahn boh jahl guh uhp noonnah yeh john jae ahng sahng hahn mah roon nah eel boonhahng sahng nuh yeh dwee eh suhgoo reem geh jyoh goo dae noo neh naeh gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae gah a time for us!kuh jyuh mahn gee noon bee chahm hahn hyuhn sheel Go!kuh jyuh mahn gah noon jae beet **** shee nah yeh john jaea time for us!goo dae eh gehn nae gah boh ee nah yohnahn ah moo guh doh boh ee jee ahn noon guhl nah yeh mah oom goo ree goh nahgoo ree woh yohgoo ree woh yohgoo dae noo neh nae gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae sah rahng hae yohsah rahng hae yohgoo dae nae gehn nah yeh mah jee mahk sah rahng ee geh jyoh
04. »óÀÚ¼ÓÀÇ ±×´í (Falling into you) 4:06 - Heejun 2jib
juh gee uhk goo tehnah rool duh nahn gee uhk ee rahn sah rahng ah poom ee nah eh geh noonsah rahng ee rah goh mee duh jyoh* gee uhk hah goh ee noon nah yeh goo mah oomee jeh nuh rool duh nah nah doh sah rahng hah goh shee puh goo dae oh~ goo daeee jehn ggo daejeh bahl nah rool nwah jwoh yoh good bye~ good bye~nae gah juhng mahl nuh moo hahn guhn gah yohnuh moo heem gyuh woh yoh goo dae nae mahl doo ruh jool guh jyoh nae sah rahngnah yeh sah rahng oon goo dael moht ee noon guhl moo roo jyohuh duh geh hae yah hah noon guhn gah yoh nae gah ah poon jool mahn ahl goh jah goo oo ruh yoh nuh moo mah oom ee ah pah yuoh nah uh duh gehnae sah rahng jee kee goh shee puh boo tahk hahl geh yoh*repeatnah yeh sah rahng oon nae gah gohk ee suh yah mahn hae yohjuhng mahl roh ah moo guh doh mohl rah yoh goo dael chuh oom mahn nah duhn nah chuh ruhmjah goo ool uh yoh nuh moo mah oom ee ah pah yoh nah uh duh geh nae sah rahng jee kee goh shee puh boo tahk hahl geh yoh jee woh gah goh ee noon nah yeh mah mool nae mah moolnuh noon moh roo geh jyohgoo dae oh~ goo daenah noon goo dael ee jee moht hah nah bah yohgood bye~ good bye~nae gah wae ee ruh noon guhn gah yohnuh moo heem gyuh woh yohgoo dael won mahng hah jeen ah nool geh yoh goo dae nae mahl doo ruh jool guh jyohnae sah rang
05. ¸î³âÀÌ Áö³ªµµ (Longing For You) 5:05 - Heejun 2jib
wae nah mahn goo ree woh hae nuhn dae dahb doh uhp noon daenuhn jahl sahl goh ee noon dehwae mah mahn ee ruh geh goo ree woh hae yah hae* wae nah mahn goo ree woh hae nuhn dae dahb doh uhp noon daenuh goo ree woh suh goo ree woh doh uhp noon guhlmyuht nyuhn ee jee nah noon jeenahn jee goom doh nuh moo heem ee dool uh dahng sheen oon nahl eet goh jee mae nah yoh myuht nyuhn ee hool ryuh suh doh nahn goo dael jee goom doh ee goh ee jyoh haeng bohk hah dahn mahl gwaen chahn dahn mahl dool roh nah rool dahl rae boh ryuh hae doh myuht nyuhn ee jee nah doh goorae suh doh ee jehn jahl dwee jee ah noon guhl *repeatoh~ nah eh gyuh teh mah jee mahk ee gee (* lyrics say " mah jee mahl gee rool" n no oh *shruhg*) nah noon oh~haeng bohk hah dahn mahl gwaen chahn dahn mahl dool roh nah rool dahl rae boh ryuh hae doh myuht nyuhn ee jee nah doh goo rae suh doh ee jehn jahl dwee jee ah noon guhl goo dae yuh
06. »ç¶ûÀ̶õ°Ç... (Love Theme 1) 4:24 - Heejun 2jib
sah rahng ee rahn guhn yuhng won hee byuhn chee mahl jahn mahl goo mahl mee jee moht hah geh jee mahnmee goh shee poon mahlsah rahng ee rahn guhn hahng sahng gyuh teh eet goh shee poon goo mahlmuh ruh jyuh gah geh jee mahn ah jee goon ah nee rahn mahl Oh~ nah yeh gyuh teh nae sah rahng ee oh geelbah rae wah jee mahn nah noon ee jeh uhp suh*nuh rool ee juh gah geh jee nuh eh geh nah noon ee hyuh jee geh jee mahn nah noon duh nah gahl guh yah nah yeh sah rahng ee nee gahsah rahng ee rahn guhn ah poo mool wee hahn gee dah reem goo dae gah oh jee ahn geel won chee ah noon gee dah reem ee byuh ree rahn guhn dah roon ee room yeh doh hahn nah yeh sah rahng goo dael sah rahng hah gee eh duh nah gah yah mahn hah noon*repeat
07. ¾Æ³¦¾øÀÌ ÁÖ´Â ³ª¹« (Generous...,-Ballad Version) 3:56 -Heejun 2jib
goo dae eh gehn hah goh poon mahl sah rahng hae yoh sah rahng hahn dahn mahl boon ee jyoh wae moht doo jyoh nae gah hahn mahloo ree suh roh dah roon gee reh suh ee noon guh geh jyohahn dwaeahn dwaewae ah pah mahn hae yohnahn ah moo guh doh hae jool soo uhp noon deh nae gah hahl soo eet noon guh soon goo dael wee hahn jah goon **** shee boon ee geh jyoh goo reem geh jyoh goo ryuh geh jyoh goo dae noo neh nae gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae gah ee jeh noon dah shee noon sah rahng hahn dah goh mahl hae doh nah noon ee jeh uhp noon guhl ee geh nae sah rahng een guhlgoo dae eh gehn nae gah boh ee nah yoh ahn boh ee jyoh nae mahm goo ree goh nah goo ree woh yoh goo ree woh yoh goo dae noo neh nae gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae sah rahng hae yo sah rahng hae yoh goo dae nae gehn nah yeh mah jee mahk sah rahng ee geht jyoh nae sah rahng
08. ³ªÀÇ °í¹° Radio (My old Radio) 3:50 - Heejun 2jib
gee uhk nah nee oo ree uh reel juh koo meh dool ree duhn goo hee mee hahn goo soh ree oo reen ee goh sahl rah gah goh eet noon guhl jee goom gah jee goo goh mool radio eeh suhn doo ree duhn ah rahn hahn goo gee uh kah jee oo ree moh doo gah gee uhk hah goh shee poon goh soh ree * nah yeh goh mool radio (radio) nah yeh goo mool gah geh hae joon radio (radio)choo uhk soh geh sah noon radio (radio)jee goo moon doo ree jee ahn nah radio (radio)nae mah oom soh geh sah noon goomjah goon bahng eh suh sae uh nah oh noon goo soh ree nae gah uh roo nee dwee geel bah rae wah duhn goo meh doo ree duhn goo soh ree jee goom gah jee goo go mool radio eh suhn doo ree duhn ah ryuhn hahn goo gee uh gah jee oo ree moh doo gah gee uhk hah goh shee poon goo soh ree mah yeh goh mool radio (radio)nah yeh goo mool gah geh hae joon radio (raqdio)choo uhk soh geh sah noon radio (radio)jee goo moon doo ree jee ahn nah radio (radio)nae mah oom soh geh sah noon radio (radio)*repeat
09. MEDIA 3:20 - Heejun 2jib* me-di-a me-di-a me-di-a guh jee soolme-di-a me-di-a me-di-a jeen shee roh** me-dia nuh yeh mah mool jee juh joo gohme-dia nuh yeh goo mool mahng chyuh jool geh*repeat**repeat
10. ´«¹°ÀÌ ¸¶¸¥ µÚ (Love Theme 2) 4:13 - Heejun 2jib
hahng sahng moh doon ee gah goo ruh hae duht nah eh geh doh cha jah wah jeesah rahng ee rahn ee room yeh goo ree oom ee rahn guht ee byuh roon joon bee dwee uh eet goheet jee moht hah noon ee rooneh gyuhn dwehn sool poom ee rahn guhl *sah rahng ee rahn mahl uhp shee chah jah oh gohee byuh rool doh joon bee hah goh goo guh soon goo ree oom dweh yoh goo nyuh doh goo ruh haet doo sheeee byuh roon joon bee dweh ee eet goheet jee moht hah noon ee roon yeh gyuhl dwehn sool poom ee rahn guhl goo geh sah rahng een guhl*repeatgoo nyuh doh goo ruh haet doo sheegoo sah rahng oon doh duh nah gah neh
11. White Angels 4:01 - Heejun 2jib
Oh~ Nae sarang* Uhn jeh nah geu dae mahn eul sarang hah neun nah nee kkah Nahl dduh nah gah doh meep dah hae doh gwaen chahn ah Uhn jeh nah gah seum sohk eh sarang hah neun geu dae bboon Nahl ee chuh gah doh meep dah hae doh sarang hae Nae sarang ah Nahl ee chuh gah doh dweh Nae sarang ahOh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh* Repeat (x2)Nae sarang ah Nahl jee wuh gah doh dweh Nae sarang ahUhn jehn gah geu dae neun Nah reul ee chuh doh Nae mah eum byuhn hahm up she nae geh neun geu dae bboon een guhlUhn jeh nah hah nah mahn eul bah rah boh neun nuh nee kkah Nah heem deul uh doh byun chee ahn goh jee keel geh Uhn jeh nah gah seum sohk eh sarang hah neun geu dae bboon Oh nuh hee deul eul yuhng wuhn hee nahn sarang haeOh nuh hee deul eul yuhng wuhn hee nahn sarang hae
12. (HIDDEN TRACK) Nae eel ee chuh chah oh myuhn (New Mix Down) - Heejun 2jib
Poo reun bah dah juh muhl ree suh nah reul boo reu neun Pah doh chuh ruhm meel ryuh oh neun nuh uei moh seum ee Meh mah reun nah uei mah eum sohk eh sahl myuh shee dah gah oh myun Eel uh buh reen she gahn sohk eh nah uei kkoom deul eeHah nah dool sheek gee uhk sohk eh duei sahl ah nah gohSae roh oon boo poon hee mahng sohk eh gah seum eun suhl reh ee neh Haeng bohk ee rahn muhl geh mahn neu kkyuh jee jee mahn Oo ree mah eum sohk eh eet neun guhlUhn jehn gah neun nuh eh geh mahl hae jool kkuh yah Nae eel ee chuh chah oh myun* Nuh uei goh moon doo sohn gah deuk hee nah uei kkoom eul dahm ah joo goh suh Ee dae roh uei nuh uei moh seum eul sarang hah goh eet dah goh Juh gee muhl ree boh eel guht gah cheun oo ree mahn uei hee mahng chah jah suh Sarang seu ruhn nuh uei kkoom sohk eh uhn jeh nah dahl ryuh gah reeNae gah seum eun ool uh boh neun moh rae bah rahm eh Ee reum moh reul mool sae deul uei nahl geh jeet soh ree Noon boh sheen yuh reum bah daht gah eh ah cheem ee bahl gah oh neh Geu reem jah mahn nahm ah eet neun moh seum deul uei roh Muhn hah neul uei dahl beet hah nah guhl ryuh gahl ddae myun Noh eul jeen bah daht gah eun deh suh mah eum eun koom eul kkoo neh Sarang ee rahn naht suhl geh neu kkyuh jee jee mah joo boh myuhn noon sohk eh ee suhUhn jehn gah neun nuh eh geh mahl hae jool gguh yah Nae eel ee chah jah oh myuhn Nuh uei goh oon doo sohn gah deuk hee nah uei kkoom eul dahm ah joo goh suh Ee dae roh uei nuh uei moh seum eul sarang hah goh eet dah goh Juh gee muhl ree boh eel guht gah cheun oo ree mahn uei hee mahng chah jah suh Sarang seu ruhn nuh uei kkoom sohk eh uhn jeh nah dahl ryuh gah ree
my hand nae gah sahl ah gah noon ee yooand my way nah yeh oom ahk ool wee haenah yeh noh rae oh ee roh oon gil ee rah doh nahsah rah gahl uh ryuh oon gil ee rah dohjee chil dae nae gah soom shil soo ohb dah hae dohnah eh gehn nae sal myeh juhn boo een guhlgah goom sheek dae rohn heem gyuh woh hah jee mahn nahn oh nool doh nae gee rool guhl uh gah nehnah yeh oom ahk nah yae gee moh doo rool nahn hah nah yeh gool roh suh nae ryuh gah nehtake my hand nae gah heem gyuh ool dae mah dahand my way nahn dah shee doh eel uh nah take my hand nae gah sahl ah gah noon ee yooand my way nah yeh oom ahk ool wee hae
02. (Human Individual Cloning) 4:13 - Heejun 2jib
mahl uhp shee, tae uh nahn, nahn H.I.C , noo goon gah mahn dool uh naenahn sahl ah gahn dah nah eh geh joo uh jin sahl mee rah myuh dohk gah toon uh deen gah eh nahn doh sahl ah gahn dah nae guh noon goo noo pee goo noo pee nah yeh shal mee rah juhn hae jin nah yeh goo gil Cross my eyes (*close my eyes? lol) jae dae roh hae boh jee doh moht hahn wee gee ruh gee nahn ah jeek nahl doh moht hah noon dae Wae Go!Wae nahl Break! juh gee Mark wee* goo daen nahl wee hahn guh rah gohnuhl wee hae sahl ah dahl rah gohnae gah uh duh geh dwee doon saeng gwahn up sheetoo myung hahn yoo ree byuhng soh geh goo go shee nah rool eet geh hahnchah gah oon goo gee uh gool eet goh shee poh** mah jee mahk ee gee rool doo buhn dah see ee ruh eel uhp gee roolnuh eh geh bah rahl geh nah eh geh doh nae ggoom ee ee noon guhl nuh noon wae ee juhn moh doo jee ohk gah toon guhl (x4)juh gee juh gee wee gee ruh gee (x4)Go!nahl jee kyuh bah wae Break!nahl jee kyuh bah juh gee Mark wee*repeat**repeatnahl jee kyuh bah ee dae roh duh ee sahng moh doon guhl dahng hah goh mahn eet jee ahn nah Break!
3.(Generous...) 3:41 - Heejun 2jib
goo dae eh gehn hah goh poon mahl sah rahng hae yoh sah rahng hahn dahn mahl boon ee jyoh wae moht doo jyoh nae gah hahn mahloo ree suh roh dah roon gee reh suh ee noon guh geh jyohahn dwaeahn dwaewae ah pah mahn hae yohnahn ah moo guh doh goo dae eh moh doon guhl hae jool soo gah nahn uhp noon deh oh jeek nah mahn ee dahng shin ool ahn ah jool soo gah uhp noon guhlnae gah hahl soo ee noon guh shee ah moo guh doh uhp noon bee chahm hahnahng sahng hahn gah jee yeh choh rah hahn boh jahl guh uhp noonnah yeh john jae ahng sahng hahn mah roon nah eel boonhahng sahng nuh yeh dwee eh suhgoo reem geh jyoh goo dae noo neh naeh gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae gah a time for us!kuh jyuh mahn gee noon bee chahm hahn hyuhn sheel Go!kuh jyuh mahn gah noon jae beet **** shee nah yeh john jaea time for us!goo dae eh gehn nae gah boh ee nah yohnahn ah moo guh doh boh ee jee ahn noon guhl nah yeh mah oom goo ree goh nahgoo ree woh yohgoo ree woh yohgoo dae noo neh nae gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae sah rahng hae yohsah rahng hae yohgoo dae nae gehn nah yeh mah jee mahk sah rahng ee geh jyoh
04. »óÀÚ¼ÓÀÇ ±×´í (Falling into you) 4:06 - Heejun 2jib
juh gee uhk goo tehnah rool duh nahn gee uhk ee rahn sah rahng ah poom ee nah eh geh noonsah rahng ee rah goh mee duh jyoh* gee uhk hah goh ee noon nah yeh goo mah oomee jeh nuh rool duh nah nah doh sah rahng hah goh shee puh goo dae oh~ goo daeee jehn ggo daejeh bahl nah rool nwah jwoh yoh good bye~ good bye~nae gah juhng mahl nuh moo hahn guhn gah yohnuh moo heem gyuh woh yoh goo dae nae mahl doo ruh jool guh jyoh nae sah rahngnah yeh sah rahng oon goo dael moht ee noon guhl moo roo jyohuh duh geh hae yah hah noon guhn gah yoh nae gah ah poon jool mahn ahl goh jah goo oo ruh yoh nuh moo mah oom ee ah pah yuoh nah uh duh gehnae sah rahng jee kee goh shee puh boo tahk hahl geh yoh*repeatnah yeh sah rahng oon nae gah gohk ee suh yah mahn hae yohjuhng mahl roh ah moo guh doh mohl rah yoh goo dael chuh oom mahn nah duhn nah chuh ruhmjah goo ool uh yoh nuh moo mah oom ee ah pah yoh nah uh duh geh nae sah rahng jee kee goh shee puh boo tahk hahl geh yoh jee woh gah goh ee noon nah yeh mah mool nae mah moolnuh noon moh roo geh jyohgoo dae oh~ goo daenah noon goo dael ee jee moht hah nah bah yohgood bye~ good bye~nae gah wae ee ruh noon guhn gah yohnuh moo heem gyuh woh yohgoo dael won mahng hah jeen ah nool geh yoh goo dae nae mahl doo ruh jool guh jyohnae sah rang
05. ¸î³âÀÌ Áö³ªµµ (Longing For You) 5:05 - Heejun 2jib
wae nah mahn goo ree woh hae nuhn dae dahb doh uhp noon daenuhn jahl sahl goh ee noon dehwae mah mahn ee ruh geh goo ree woh hae yah hae* wae nah mahn goo ree woh hae nuhn dae dahb doh uhp noon daenuh goo ree woh suh goo ree woh doh uhp noon guhlmyuht nyuhn ee jee nah noon jeenahn jee goom doh nuh moo heem ee dool uh dahng sheen oon nahl eet goh jee mae nah yoh myuht nyuhn ee hool ryuh suh doh nahn goo dael jee goom doh ee goh ee jyoh haeng bohk hah dahn mahl gwaen chahn dahn mahl dool roh nah rool dahl rae boh ryuh hae doh myuht nyuhn ee jee nah doh goorae suh doh ee jehn jahl dwee jee ah noon guhl *repeatoh~ nah eh gyuh teh mah jee mahk ee gee (* lyrics say " mah jee mahl gee rool" n no oh *shruhg*) nah noon oh~haeng bohk hah dahn mahl gwaen chahn dahn mahl dool roh nah rool dahl rae boh ryuh hae doh myuht nyuhn ee jee nah doh goo rae suh doh ee jehn jahl dwee jee ah noon guhl goo dae yuh
06. »ç¶ûÀ̶õ°Ç... (Love Theme 1) 4:24 - Heejun 2jib
sah rahng ee rahn guhn yuhng won hee byuhn chee mahl jahn mahl goo mahl mee jee moht hah geh jee mahnmee goh shee poon mahlsah rahng ee rahn guhn hahng sahng gyuh teh eet goh shee poon goo mahlmuh ruh jyuh gah geh jee mahn ah jee goon ah nee rahn mahl Oh~ nah yeh gyuh teh nae sah rahng ee oh geelbah rae wah jee mahn nah noon ee jeh uhp suh*nuh rool ee juh gah geh jee nuh eh geh nah noon ee hyuh jee geh jee mahn nah noon duh nah gahl guh yah nah yeh sah rahng ee nee gahsah rahng ee rahn guhn ah poo mool wee hahn gee dah reem goo dae gah oh jee ahn geel won chee ah noon gee dah reem ee byuh ree rahn guhn dah roon ee room yeh doh hahn nah yeh sah rahng goo dael sah rahng hah gee eh duh nah gah yah mahn hah noon*repeat
07. ¾Æ³¦¾øÀÌ ÁÖ´Â ³ª¹« (Generous...,-Ballad Version) 3:56 -Heejun 2jib
goo dae eh gehn hah goh poon mahl sah rahng hae yoh sah rahng hahn dahn mahl boon ee jyoh wae moht doo jyoh nae gah hahn mahloo ree suh roh dah roon gee reh suh ee noon guh geh jyohahn dwaeahn dwaewae ah pah mahn hae yohnahn ah moo guh doh hae jool soo uhp noon deh nae gah hahl soo eet noon guh soon goo dael wee hahn jah goon **** shee boon ee geh jyoh goo reem geh jyoh goo ryuh geh jyoh goo dae noo neh nae gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae gah ee jeh noon dah shee noon sah rahng hahn dah goh mahl hae doh nah noon ee jeh uhp noon guhl ee geh nae sah rahng een guhlgoo dae eh gehn nae gah boh ee nah yoh ahn boh ee jyoh nae mahm goo ree goh nah goo ree woh yoh goo ree woh yoh goo dae noo neh nae gah bee chyoh boh ee duhn goo dae sah rahng hae yo sah rahng hae yoh goo dae nae gehn nah yeh mah jee mahk sah rahng ee geht jyoh nae sah rahng
08. ³ªÀÇ °í¹° Radio (My old Radio) 3:50 - Heejun 2jib
gee uhk nah nee oo ree uh reel juh koo meh dool ree duhn goo hee mee hahn goo soh ree oo reen ee goh sahl rah gah goh eet noon guhl jee goom gah jee goo goh mool radio eeh suhn doo ree duhn ah rahn hahn goo gee uh kah jee oo ree moh doo gah gee uhk hah goh shee poon goh soh ree * nah yeh goh mool radio (radio) nah yeh goo mool gah geh hae joon radio (radio)choo uhk soh geh sah noon radio (radio)jee goo moon doo ree jee ahn nah radio (radio)nae mah oom soh geh sah noon goomjah goon bahng eh suh sae uh nah oh noon goo soh ree nae gah uh roo nee dwee geel bah rae wah duhn goo meh doo ree duhn goo soh ree jee goom gah jee goo go mool radio eh suhn doo ree duhn ah ryuhn hahn goo gee uh gah jee oo ree moh doo gah gee uhk hah goh shee poon goo soh ree mah yeh goh mool radio (radio)nah yeh goo mool gah geh hae joon radio (raqdio)choo uhk soh geh sah noon radio (radio)jee goo moon doo ree jee ahn nah radio (radio)nae mah oom soh geh sah noon radio (radio)*repeat
09. MEDIA 3:20 - Heejun 2jib* me-di-a me-di-a me-di-a guh jee soolme-di-a me-di-a me-di-a jeen shee roh** me-dia nuh yeh mah mool jee juh joo gohme-dia nuh yeh goo mool mahng chyuh jool geh*repeat**repeat
10. ´«¹°ÀÌ ¸¶¸¥ µÚ (Love Theme 2) 4:13 - Heejun 2jib
hahng sahng moh doon ee gah goo ruh hae duht nah eh geh doh cha jah wah jeesah rahng ee rahn ee room yeh goo ree oom ee rahn guht ee byuh roon joon bee dwee uh eet goheet jee moht hah noon ee rooneh gyuhn dwehn sool poom ee rahn guhl *sah rahng ee rahn mahl uhp shee chah jah oh gohee byuh rool doh joon bee hah goh goo guh soon goo ree oom dweh yoh goo nyuh doh goo ruh haet doo sheeee byuh roon joon bee dweh ee eet goheet jee moht hah noon ee roon yeh gyuhl dwehn sool poom ee rahn guhl goo geh sah rahng een guhl*repeatgoo nyuh doh goo ruh haet doo sheegoo sah rahng oon doh duh nah gah neh
11. White Angels 4:01 - Heejun 2jib
Oh~ Nae sarang* Uhn jeh nah geu dae mahn eul sarang hah neun nah nee kkah Nahl dduh nah gah doh meep dah hae doh gwaen chahn ah Uhn jeh nah gah seum sohk eh sarang hah neun geu dae bboon Nahl ee chuh gah doh meep dah hae doh sarang hae Nae sarang ah Nahl ee chuh gah doh dweh Nae sarang ahOh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh* Repeat (x2)Nae sarang ah Nahl jee wuh gah doh dweh Nae sarang ahUhn jehn gah geu dae neun Nah reul ee chuh doh Nae mah eum byuhn hahm up she nae geh neun geu dae bboon een guhlUhn jeh nah hah nah mahn eul bah rah boh neun nuh nee kkah Nah heem deul uh doh byun chee ahn goh jee keel geh Uhn jeh nah gah seum sohk eh sarang hah neun geu dae bboon Oh nuh hee deul eul yuhng wuhn hee nahn sarang haeOh nuh hee deul eul yuhng wuhn hee nahn sarang hae
12. (HIDDEN TRACK) Nae eel ee chuh chah oh myuhn (New Mix Down) - Heejun 2jib
Poo reun bah dah juh muhl ree suh nah reul boo reu neun Pah doh chuh ruhm meel ryuh oh neun nuh uei moh seum ee Meh mah reun nah uei mah eum sohk eh sahl myuh shee dah gah oh myun Eel uh buh reen she gahn sohk eh nah uei kkoom deul eeHah nah dool sheek gee uhk sohk eh duei sahl ah nah gohSae roh oon boo poon hee mahng sohk eh gah seum eun suhl reh ee neh Haeng bohk ee rahn muhl geh mahn neu kkyuh jee jee mahn Oo ree mah eum sohk eh eet neun guhlUhn jehn gah neun nuh eh geh mahl hae jool kkuh yah Nae eel ee chuh chah oh myun* Nuh uei goh moon doo sohn gah deuk hee nah uei kkoom eul dahm ah joo goh suh Ee dae roh uei nuh uei moh seum eul sarang hah goh eet dah goh Juh gee muhl ree boh eel guht gah cheun oo ree mahn uei hee mahng chah jah suh Sarang seu ruhn nuh uei kkoom sohk eh uhn jeh nah dahl ryuh gah reeNae gah seum eun ool uh boh neun moh rae bah rahm eh Ee reum moh reul mool sae deul uei nahl geh jeet soh ree Noon boh sheen yuh reum bah daht gah eh ah cheem ee bahl gah oh neh Geu reem jah mahn nahm ah eet neun moh seum deul uei roh Muhn hah neul uei dahl beet hah nah guhl ryuh gahl ddae myun Noh eul jeen bah daht gah eun deh suh mah eum eun koom eul kkoo neh Sarang ee rahn naht suhl geh neu kkyuh jee jee mah joo boh myuhn noon sohk eh ee suhUhn jehn gah neun nuh eh geh mahl hae jool gguh yah Nae eel ee chah jah oh myuhn Nuh uei goh oon doo sohn gah deuk hee nah uei kkoom eul dahm ah joo goh suh Ee dae roh uei nuh uei moh seum eul sarang hah goh eet dah goh Juh gee muhl ree boh eel guht gah cheun oo ree mahn uei hee mahng chah jah suh Sarang seu ruhn nuh uei kkoom sohk eh uhn jeh nah dahl ryuh gah ree
Senin, 21 Januari 2008
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Digestion and gastrointestinal tract
Macromolecules such as starch, cellulose or proteins cannot be rapidly taken up by cells and need to be broken into their smaller units before they can be used in cell metabolism. Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. These digestive enzymes include proteases that digest proteins into amino acids, as well as glycoside hydrolases that digest polysaccharides into monosaccharides.
Microbes simply secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings,[27]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-19"[28] while animals only secrete these enzymes from specialized cells in their guts.[29] The amino acids or sugars released by these extracellular enzymes are then pumped into cells by specific active transport proteins.[30]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-22"[31]
A simplified outline of the catabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Digestion and gastrointestinal tract
Macromolecules such as starch, cellulose or proteins cannot be rapidly taken up by cells and need to be broken into their smaller units before they can be used in cell metabolism. Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. These digestive enzymes include proteases that digest proteins into amino acids, as well as glycoside hydrolases that digest polysaccharides into monosaccharides.
Microbes simply secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings,[27]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-19"[28] while animals only secrete these enzymes from specialized cells in their guts.[29] The amino acids or sugars released by these extracellular enzymes are then pumped into cells by specific active transport proteins.[30]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-22"[31]
A simplified outline of the catabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Digestion and gastrointestinal tract
Macromolecules such as starch, cellulose or proteins cannot be rapidly taken up by cells and need to be broken into their smaller units before they can be used in cell metabolism. Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. These digestive enzymes include proteases that digest proteins into amino acids, as well as glycoside hydrolases that digest polysaccharides into monosaccharides.
Microbes simply secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings,[27]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-19"[28] while animals only secrete these enzymes from specialized cells in their guts.[29] The amino acids or sugars released by these extracellular enzymes are then pumped into cells by specific active transport proteins.[30]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-22"[31]
A simplified outline of the catabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Digestion and gastrointestinal tract
Macromolecules such as starch, cellulose or proteins cannot be rapidly taken up by cells and need to be broken into their smaller units before they can be used in cell metabolism. Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. These digestive enzymes include proteases that digest proteins into amino acids, as well as glycoside hydrolases that digest polysaccharides into monosaccharides.
Microbes simply secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings,[27]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-19"[28] while animals only secrete these enzymes from specialized cells in their guts.[29] The amino acids or sugars released by these extracellular enzymes are then pumped into cells by specific active transport proteins.[30]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-22"[31]
A simplified outline of the catabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Catabolism
Catabolism is the set of metabolic processes that break down large molecules. These include breaking down and oxidising food molecules. The purpose of the catabolic reactions is to provide the energy and components needed by anabolic reactions. The exact nature of these catabolic reactions differ from organism to organism, with organic molecules being used as a source of energy in organotrophs, while lithotrophs use inorganic substrates and phototrophs capture sunlight as chemical energy. However, all these different forms of metabolism depend on redox reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from reduced donor molecules such as organic molecules, water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide or ferrous ions to acceptor molecules such as oxygen, nitrate or sulphate.[26] In animals these reactions involve complex organic molecules being broken down to simpler molecules, such as carbon dioxide and water. In photosynthetic organisms such as plants and cyanobacteria, these electron-transfer reactions do not release energy, but are used as a way of storing energy absorbed from sunlight.[6]
The most common set of catabolic reactions in animals can be separated into three main stages. In the first, large organic molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides or lipids are digested into their smaller components outside cells. Next, these smaller molecules are taken up by cells and converted to yet smaller molecules, usually acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), which releases some energy. Finally, the acetyl group on the CoA is oxidised to water and carbon dioxide in the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain, releasing the energy that is stored by reducing the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) into NADH.
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Catabolism
Catabolism is the set of metabolic processes that break down large molecules. These include breaking down and oxidising food molecules. The purpose of the catabolic reactions is to provide the energy and components needed by anabolic reactions. The exact nature of these catabolic reactions differ from organism to organism, with organic molecules being used as a source of energy in organotrophs, while lithotrophs use inorganic substrates and phototrophs capture sunlight as chemical energy. However, all these different forms of metabolism depend on redox reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from reduced donor molecules such as organic molecules, water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide or ferrous ions to acceptor molecules such as oxygen, nitrate or sulphate.[26] In animals these reactions involve complex organic molecules being broken down to simpler molecules, such as carbon dioxide and water. In photosynthetic organisms such as plants and cyanobacteria, these electron-transfer reactions do not release energy, but are used as a way of storing energy absorbed from sunlight.[6]
The most common set of catabolic reactions in animals can be separated into three main stages. In the first, large organic molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides or lipids are digested into their smaller components outside cells. Next, these smaller molecules are taken up by cells and converted to yet smaller molecules, usually acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), which releases some energy. Finally, the acetyl group on the CoA is oxidised to water and carbon dioxide in the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain, releasing the energy that is stored by reducing the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) into NADH.
H.O.T - Haengbok*Han bun doh nan nuh reulEe juh bun juk up suhOh jeek geu deh manuel senggak het neun gulGeu reon nuh neun mo yaNal ee jut dun guh ya Jee geum neh noon eh suh noon mool ee bo yoBeh shin gam neuk gyuNul cha ja gal guh ya sengak hesuh nan, nan jal mo reu gesuh. Ee seh sang ee deul go eet neun jee geum neh noon eh neun nuh bak keh muh jee.Hal malee up suh, gal soo doh up suh noon mool doh up suh, neu keem doh up suh.Neh op peh suh eet neun nal balah bwa. Ee lukeh nul we hae sal lah eet neun nal.Yak sok dwen shee gan nee wassuh yo geu deh op peh ees suh yo doo lyuh oom eh ool go eet jee mahnNoon mool ee dak gah joo uh suh yo geu ddeh neh sohn jab bah jo. Ee luh nal guh YaHam geh hae joon geu deh eh geh heng bok geulNoon gam go geu del geu lyuh yo maeum so geu del cha ja jo na leul bal kyuh jooneun bee chee bo yo young one han hengbok eul no chill soon up jyo geu deh nahbo ee nah yo nah leul bul luh jo yo geu deh gyut teh ee seul guh ya nuh leul saranghaeHam geh heh yo geu deh leul young won ee.*Yak sok dwen shee gan nee wassuh yo geu deh ap peh ees suh yo doo lyuh oom eh ool go eet jee mahnNoon mool ee dak gah joo uh suh yo geu ddeh neh sohn jab bah jo. Ee luh nal guh yaHam geh hae joon geu deh eh geh heng bok geulNoon gam go geu del geu lyuh yo maeum so geu del cha ja jo na leul bal kyuh jooneun bee chee bo yo young one han hengbok eul no chill soon up jyo geu deh nahbo ee nah yo nah leul bul luh jo yo geu deh gyut teh ee seul guh ya nuh leul sa rang haeHam geh heh yo geu deh leul youngwon ee.Noon gam go geu del geu lyuh yo maeum so geu del cha ja jo na leul bal kyuh jooneun bee chee bo yo young one han hengbok eul no chill soon up jyo geu deh nah bo ee nah yo nah leul bul luh jo yo un jeh la doh ee jeh ma eum eul yul luh bo wah yo op peh neh ga ees suh yo nah leul bul luh jo yo geu deh gyut teh ee seul gu ya nul leul sarang hae.Ham geh hea yo geh deh wah young..won ee
credits to kpopforum.cjb.netSES 5th - 01 Just a Feeling (Original)Written by Juhn Soong Woo Composed by Kim Do HoonArranged by Kim Do Hoon*Just a feeling neu ggin keu dae ro mal haeThink about it joo juh ha ji maJust be waiting ee jen joon bi ga dwae ssuhNuh reul nae geh jwo nae ga kat geh ssuhchuh eum boo tuh da nal bo yuh jool soon uhb ji shin bi seu ruhn boon wi gi ro Oh yeah~ho gi shim eul ja geuk ha neun kuht do gwaen chan ha koong geum hae mi chil guht man keumkyuhl gook nuh neun nae geh oh geh dwel guh ya won han da myun nae gil guhl uh do jo hahan guhl eum sshik jo geum duh na gae ro da ga ga nuhl cha ji ha go mal guh ya Oh yeah~*ddan sa ram gwa da jung han nae mo seub eul sal myuh shi bo yuh jool guh ya Oh yeah~keu eh geh neun jo geum mi an han il ee ji man nuhl kat gi wi hae suh ni ggauh jjuhl jool eul mol ra ha neun ni pyo jung uh jjuhm keu ri soom gi ji reul mot ha nineu ggil soo ga ee ssuh ssuh nae kyuh teh keu sa ram chyuh da bo neun ni shi suhn***Just a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuhJust a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuhee ruhn na do mam ee pyun han geh ah nya hok shi ra do ni ga dol ah suhl gga bwakeu man nae geh mal hae jwo na reul sa rang han da go ki da ri go eet jan ha******
SES 5th - 02 You Told MeWritten by Kim Young HooComposed by Kim Young HooArranged by Kim Young Hoo*You told me that you love mekeu rwung geh do nal saeng gak hae ssuht niYou told me that you love meee jen nuhl nae kyuh teh suh no ha joo ji an heul guh yaTell me you love me ee raet da juh raet daoo yoo boo dan han nuh uh jjuh ran mal ee ya (ai yeah)Now that you told me ee jeh ya ni mam ahl geh ssuhja yuhn seu ruh oon na eui mam nuh do ee hae ha ni (yeah)**suhl myung hal soo neun uhb suh na eui ki boon eulsa rang seu ruhb geh nal ba ra bohl ddaen (yeah)*Tell me you love me yong gi eet geh na reulnuh eui ppoom eh an ah jwo ppo geun ha geh (baby)I crave this feeling ja shin ee uhb suh suhsoo joob eun mi so ro na eui mam eul juhn hae***hang sang nae geh keu ruhl soon uhb ji mansohl jik han mo seub do ee jen bo yuh jwokeu ruhn mo seub eh nan neh geh bba jyuh deul uh kal kuh ya (I'm gonna let you go?)**
SES 5th - 03 UWritten by Hong Ji YooComposed by Hwang Sung Jeh, Park Chang YuhnArranged by Hwang Sung Jeh, Park Chang YuhnOriginal Composer: Nick Manic, Keith Beauvaisnoo goo do na bo da joong yo ha ji an ha na eui sa rang ah ni ggaha ji man nuhn nae ga mam eh deul ji an neun jiwi myun ha go muhl uh ji go suh ro da reun sa ram man na ja go mal ha gokeu rae do nan shwib geh ppo gi ha ji an neun dehah ggim uhb neun nae mam eul joo ryuh go sa rang chat neun dang dang han na ni gga*Hey dude what you gonna do for menae mae ryuk eh dda ra wa ban hae buh ri go mal gguh yaHey dude what you gonna do for meah ni ra go mal hae do nuh do won ha jan ha nal jung mal sok ee ji mana bo da duh muht jin keu ruhn yuh ja han buhn ki ppi ki ppi cha ja bwana chuh ruhm nal ma da sae rob ji neun an jan hasang nyang ha go da juhng ha go ddae ron sa rang ah peh soo joob geh do byun ha goka ggeum eun nuh moo naeng juhng ha gin ha ji mannuh moo bba reun suhn taek ee him deul myun sa rang mo ah chun chun hee da ga wa**Hey dude what you gonna do for meji neu ggim ee ka teun na nuh eui ma eum eul yuhl uh bwaHey dude what you gonna do for menae ma buh beh kuhl rin nuh bba jyuh buh ril gguh ya nal jung mal sok ee ji ma(bridge)Hey, you, hey yea yea yea, hey you...what you gonna doHey, you, hey yea yea yea, hey you...what you gonna donuh moo bba reun suhn taek ee him deul myun sa rang mo ah chun chun hee da ga wahaeng bok ki bbeum hon ja hal soo uhb suh ee jen nae geh da ga wa***
SES 5th - 04 ChinGoo - DooBuhnJjaeEeYaGiWritten by Bae Hwa YoungComposed by Ko Young JoArranged by Ko Young JoI remember the days we loved ji nan keu shi juhl ki uhk hae man hee weh rob go him deul uht duhn nal wi hae kam ssa joon keu daeI remember the times we've sharedsuhn myung han keu choo uhk ee yuh juhn hee na eui ka seum sok eh na ma eet ji manDon't you know nan ool ji an heul guh ya ma ji mak ee ra hae do an nyoung ee ra neun keu mal so yong uhb neun guh yayoung won hee nuh reul nan bo nae ji an heul guh yaOh my love nan ki da ryuh yo oo ri da shi ham ggeh halkeu nal eul heun deul ri neun nal jab ah joon keu dae wa ee jen young won hee ko ma wona eui sa rang chuh eum nae geh sa rang eul juhn hae joon keu daekeu ma eum young won hee kan jik hal geh yo loving youI remember you smiled at medda seu han keu noon bit cheh oh neul do na neun keu ri wo ham jam eul suhl reh yoDon't you know nan ool ji an heul guh ya ma ji mak ee ra hae do an nyoung ee ra neun keu mal so yong uhb neun guh yayoung won hee nuh reul nan bo nae ji an heul guh yaOh my love nan ki da ryuh yo oo ri da shi ham ggeh halkeu nal eul heun deul ri neun nal jab ah joon keu dae wa ee jen young won hee ko ma wona eui sa rang chuh eum nae geh sa rang eul juhn hae joon keu daekeu ma eum young won hee kan jik hal geh yo loving youko ma wo na eui sa rang ha roo ha roo kuh ka neun nae mam domae il keu ma eum young won hee kan jik hal geh yo loving you
SES 5th - 05 Choose My LifeWritten by Yoon Hyo Sang, Lee So EunComposed by Hwang Sung JehArranged by Hwang Sung JehMaybe I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose,Keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~nae ah peh pyuhl chyuh jin ha roo reul na man eui saek eu ro chil hal ggeh nae sal meui joo in gong eun na ni gga seh sang eun keu ruhn na reul ki da ryuh na reul wi hae joon bi dwen ee muht jin moo dae eh hey! Come on my babyI don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeAnd keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~nuhn na reul bo go mal ha ji oon myung eun ee mi juhng hae jyuht da go seh sang eun keu ruhn kuh ra go na neun neh geh mal haet jioon myung eun uhb neun kuh ra gonae ga man deun da go~ nae an eh soom gyuh doon sa rang eul oh neul bam nuh eh geh juhn hal ggeh nae salm eui joo in gong eun na ni gga sa rang do ee jen nae ga suhn taek haena reul wi hae joon bi dwen ee muht jin sen sang eh hey! come on baby I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeAnd keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun~ nan jo geum duh muht jin nae ga dwel guh ya (Choo~ Choo~ Choose my life) nae an eui da reun na reul cha ja suh dang dang han nal~ Maybe I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeKeep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeKeep on dreamingddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun~I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose,Keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~
SES 5th - 06 Dal Ri GiWritten by Park Chang HakComposed by Yoon SangArranged by Kang Ho Jungji gyuh oon ga yo him deun ga yo soom ee tuhk gga ji chat na yo hal soo uhb jyo uh cha ppi shi jak hae buh rin guh seul sso da ji neun haet sal so geh ee bi ba ssak mal ra wa do hal soo uhb jyo chang ppi ha geh muhm chwo suhl soon uhb seu ni dan han ga ji yak sok eun teuk rim uhb shi kkeut chi eet da neun guht kkeut nan dwi eh ji gyuh ool man keum oh raet dong an shwil soo eet da neun guht ji gyuh oon ga yo him deun ga yo soom ee tuhk gga ji chat na yo hal soo uhb jyo uh cha ppi shi jak hae buh rin guh seul sso da ji neun haet sal so geh ee bi ba ssak mal ra wa do hal soo uhb jyo chang ppi ha geh muhm chwo suhl soon uhb seu ni ee yoo do uhb shi ka ggeum eun noon mool na geh uhk ool ha geht jyo il deung ah nin bo tong sa ram deul eh gen bak soo jo cha nam eh il in guhl dan han ga ji yak sok eun teul rim uhb shi kkeut chi eet da neun guht kkeut nan dwi eh ji gyuh ool man keum oh raet dong an shwil soo eet da neun guhtIt's good enough for me bye bye bye bye x 4
SES 5th - 07 NaDo NamPyunEe EeSsuhSseuMyun JoGehtDaWritten by BadaComposed by Hong SukArranged by Hong Sukchin goo deul gwa oo yuhn hee young hwa reul bo go ki boon ee jo hakeu sa ram do oo yuhn hee ee young hwa reul han buhn jjeum bwa sseul ggaoo ri oon myung do keu young hwa sok eui yae gi chuh ruhm oh raen shi gan keu dae waweh rob geh han da myun uhl ma na jo heul gga nan saeng gak hae ssuh juhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha juhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha, nuh wa keu dael sa rang ha myun suh keu dael sa rang ha myun suh, kam ssa joo myun na do nam pyun ee ee ssuh sseu myun jo geh ssuhhan buhn ko baek hae bo go ban eung ee ah ni myun keu geh oot gokeu nyang hae bon so ri ya nong dam ee ra go dool ruh dae bol ggaee ruhn ba bo ka teun saeng gak eu ro ji saen bam eh gong boo ra do hae sseu myunjang bak geum do ta go seung ji do haet geht jji keu rae ssuht da myun juh ahl keu ruh myun jo ha jung mal keu ruh myun jo ha, nuh wa na neun ba bo kat ah go na neun ba bo kat ah go, saeng gak hae yona do nam pyun ee ee ssuh sseu myun jo geh ssuhjuhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha juhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha, nuh wa keu dael sa rang ha myun suh keu dael sa rang ha myun suh, kam ssa joo myun na do nam pyun ee ee ssuh sseu myun jo geh ssuh
SES 5th - 08 Requiem
Written by Lee Dong YuhnComposed by Lee Joon HoArranged by Lee Joon Ho*I wanna be insane to trust you not even in my hearthang sang nuhl hyang hae eet duhn nae mo deun guhlee go seh moo duh doo go ee jeh neun nuhl da ji ool gguh ya not even in my dream ee ruhn ee byuhl ah peh~ee dae ro nuhl ji ool gguh ya won ha ji an hat duhn nuh wa eui ee byuhl ee jam shi nae geh seu chyuh gan keu ruhn kkom ee uht gi reuluh doo oon shi gan ee da ji na go na myun da shi dol ah gal soo ee sseul guh ra **pieces of my broken heart ggae jin guh ool eui jo gak eu ro na eui ka seum eh deul uh oh go pieces of my wounded heart ee jen ji chyuh buh rin ma eum eul neh geh bo nae joo ryuh hae woo baby~ *ib ga eh muh moo neun nuhl dal meun mi so wa nae geh sang chuh ro nam eun nuh neun bo ee ji an goddo da reun ha roo reul shi jak ha myun suh ae ssuh weh myun ha neun ee keu ri oom~~***[rap]him deul ddaen hang sang nae kyuh teh suh nuhl ji kyuh joo geht da neun neh han ma di nuhl so joong hee mi duh wa ssuht duhn uh jeh eui naemo seub do da ji wo joo geh ssuh**
SES 5th - 09 Kido
Written by Park Kyung JinComposed by Eun BiArranged by Eun Bi, Hong Jung Soochuh eum keu dae bon keu nal bo tuh hon ja man deul ri geh ki do haet jyo...nae kyuh teh suh hang sang sal geh hae dal ra go nae sa rang il soo eet geh...keu dael man na nae sa rang dwen hoo mo doo ga deul ri geh ki do haet jyo...nae kyuh teh suh ee jeh ham ggyeh hal guh ra man sa rang hal sa ram ee ra go...young won hee keu ruhl kuh ra go...keu dae ga dduh na go... da shi ki do haet jyo...dol ah wa dal ra go... keu dae man deul ri geh ee jeh duh ka myun nuh moo ji eet neun go seu ro dol ah oh neun geh him ee deul gga bwa...keu dae dduh na gin shi gan ji na eet geh hae dal ra go ki do hae yo...nuh moo man hee ah ppa suh ee dae ro keu dae reul duh neun ka seum eh moo duh doon chae ro ji nael soo uhb seul kuht ka ta...keu dae reul ee juh yo ji chyuh jam ee deul myun...keu dae ga dduh ohl ra... da shi ah chim ee myun... nae ga jam deul uh eet neun dong an...nae mam uh di suh do bo ee ji an geh dduh na ga jwo yo...keu dae dduh na ji an neun da myun nae ga bo nae ya ha jan ha yo...keu dael bo nae ryuh go ddo ki do ha myun mi wo ha geh dwel gga... doo ryuh wo jyuh...keu dae reul ee juh yo... ee jeul soo uhb suh yo...keu dae ga dduh ohl ra... jeh bahl dduh na jwo yo...nae ga jam deul uh eet neun dong an... nae mam uh di suh do bo ee ji an geh dduh na ga jwo yo...keu dae reul ee juh yo... ji chyuh jam ee deul myun...keu dae ga dduh ohl ra... da shi ah chim ee myun...jam ee ggaen nae ga mo reu do rok... nae mam uh di suh do bo ee ji an geh dduh na ga jwo yo...
SES 5th - 10 Red Angel
Written by Lee Joon HoComposed by Lee Joon HoArranged by Lee Joon HoFall in night nae ga kkoom ggoo neun kot kkeut uhb shi nal mool deul ee neun nae an eui ddo da reun nal cha ja mo doo da muhl ri buh ryuh doo go... (I don't want to stay) na reul won ha neun soo man heun shi suhn gwa kam chwo jin desire chun sa eui uhl gool ro ka ryuh jin na eui red angel ee jen bo ee ryuh go hae seul peun na eui red angelji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind Just can't keep it in my mindnat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyesCome on now that I've seen you in my dreamI can't find a way to get you out of my head clean help me god what can I do to make it last forever let me not wake up and be anotherdreamer once again lonely lover try to make it better no more pain take away the heart-breaker look in my eyes and tell me waht you see now fire desire heart break of the dream love (I don't want to stay) ji ool soo uhb neun ee ki peun sang chuh nal mi chi geh ha go ee jeh neun duh ee sang muhm chool soo uhb neun nae mo seubddo da reun fall in night seul peun na eui red angel ji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind Just can't keep it in my mindnat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyes keep it, keep it in my eyes (touch me) seul peun na eui red angel ji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind Just can't keep it in my mind nat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyes (keep it in my mind) seul peun na eui red angel ji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind (keep it in my mind) nat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyes
SES 5th - 11 Yong GiWritten by Suk Sung WonComposed by Choi Soong MinArranged by Choi Soong Minnuh eui kyuh teh suh ra myun na neun doo ryuhb ji an hada na reul buh ryuh do dduh na ji mal ahnuh eh geh mo deun guhl mat gil teh niee jen mal hae joo geht ni na do won ha go ee ssuhnuhl ki da rin kuh ya nal no ji manuh eui chak gak il bboon yajuhng mal na reul won han da myunda mal hae joo geht ni sa rang han da goneul nae kyuht cheul suh suhng ee duhn nuh ran kuhl ahl ahppi ha ryuh go han guhn ah nyanuhl ki da ryuht duhn kuh ya nal mi duh joo geht niIf you leave me nowah shwi oom eh him deul guh yaCan you hold me nowni gyuh teh suh shwil soo eet do rokna reul duh ee sang eun hon ja doo jin mada shin ba bo chuh ruhm pi ha ji neun maee jen mal hae joo geht ni na do won ha go ee ssuhnuhl ki da rin kuh ya nal no ji manuh eui chak gak il bboon yajuhng mal na reul won han da myun da mal hae joo geht ni sa rang han da go neul nae mam eul heun deul uht duhn nuh ran kuhl ah ninuhl bol soo rok him deul uh suh muhm chwo ee ssuht duhn kuh ya nal ee hae ha geht niIf you leave me nowah shwi oom eh him deul guh yaCan you hold me nowni gyuh teh suh shwil soo eet do rokna reul duh ee sang eun hon ja doo jin mada shin ba bo chuh ruhm pi ha ji neun maee jen doo ryuhb ji an ha ni ga yuh gi eet neun guhlnae son eul jab ah jwo nal an ah jwoda shi man na geh dweh myun nuhl reul won haet duhn man keumda mal hae joo geh ssuh sa rang han do gonuhl saeng gak ha myun hal soo rokmal ha go ship uh ssuh nae mam eul (for you)ddo hoo hweh ha ji an geh ka gga ee da ga waee jen mal hae joo geht ni na do won ha go ee ssuhnuhl ki da rin kuh ya nal jo ji manuh eui chak gak il bboon yajuhng mal na reul won han da myun da mal hae joo geht ni sa rang han da gonuh eh geh mo deun guhl mat gil teh ni...
SES 5th - 12 EetJi MotHae
Written by Kwon Ki MyungComposed by Kwon Ki MyungArranged by An Ik Sooki uhk ha go ship jin an ha ssuhji na gan nuh eui mo seub ma juh do ah peum man ee nae geh cha ja ohl bboon yadwel dol ri ryuh ha ji mal ah jwonae geh mal eul hae bwa nuh eui keu ruhn tae do neun nae gen ba bo ka teun byun myung in guhlnuh neun mo reu geht ni ee ruhn na eui ma eum eul say my love wae byun hae gan guh ya eet ji mot hae ni ga han ji nan ki uhk deul eun ee jjeum eh suh nuh eh geh dol ryuh jool guh yaeet ji mot hae uhn jeh na ham ggeh han oo ri eui ji nan choo uhk eul bo nae ya hae nae mam eui sang chuh do nan keu rwung geh dduh na bo naet jina wa eui ah peun ki uhk ma juh do ee ruhn nal nuhn ee hae hal soo uhb geht jinae ga won han geh ah ni jan ha nae geh mal eul hae bwa nuh eui keu ruhn tae do neun nae gen ba bo ka teun byun myung bboon in guhlnuh neun mo reu geht ni ee ruhn na eui ma eum eul say my lovewae byun hae gan guh ya eet ji mot hae ni ga han ji nan ki uhk deul eun ee jjeum eh suh nuh eh geh dol ryuh jool guh yaeet ji mot hae uhn jeh na ham ggeh han oo ri eui ji nan choo uhk eul bo nae ya hae nae mam eui sang chuh do ka gga ee bo go ship uh man hee ool gi do hae ssuhee ruhn na eh geh nuhn ee ruhl soo ga eet ni mal do an dweh neun il in guh ya eet ji mot hae ni ga han ji nan ki uhk deul eun ee jjeum eh suh nuh eh geh dol ryuh jool guh yaeet ji mot hae uhn jeh na ham ggeh han oo ri eui ji nan choo uhk eul bo nae ya hae nae mam eui sang chuh do
SES 5th - 13 NaeGehRo
Written by Kim Young HeeComposed by Park Seh JoonArranged by Pyo Guhn Soonae ga nuhl chuh eum bon keu nal eh nuh eui po juhng sok eh soom gyuh jyuh eet duhn seul peun sang chuh reul nuheui huh rak uhb shi nan bo ah ssuh (in my mind) ji geum do saeng gak ha goeet ni nuhl ah peu geh man haet duhn keu nyuhl ji ool soon uhb suh ka seum an eh sa rang eu ro ki oo go eet niI wanna be your love (be your love) love me bebe~ee jeh neun nuh eui ma eum eul nae geh jwo hang sang nuh man eul ba ra bo neun nae geh ae tae oo ji mal go nae geh ro I wanna be your love (be your love) love me baby~duh ee sang nuh man eui sang chuh ga ah ni ya mae il noon mool ro ka deuk cha eet neun nal an ah jwo na reul sa rang hae jwo oo ri man nan ji do il nyun dwae ha roo ha roo sok eh na eui ki bbeum ee seul puh bo ee ni keu guhn nuh eui seul peum ddae moon in guhl (in my mind) ji geum do nuhl ki da ri go ee ssuh nuhl sa rang ha geh haet duhn keu nyuhl won mang mot huh go nuh eui mam ee nae geh dol ah oh gil ki da ryuh I wanna be your love (be your love) love me bebe~ee jeh neun nuh eui ma eum eul nae geh jwo hang sang nuh man eul ba ra bo neun nae geh ae tae oo ji mal go nae geh ro I will be there for you (be your love) love you bebe~duh ee sang nuh man eui sang chuh ga ah ni ya mae il noon mool ro ka deuk cha eet neun nal an ah jwosa rang hae jwo ah peu geh ha ji ma
SES 5th - 14 Just a Feeling (Remix)
Written by Juhn Soong Woo Composed by Kim Do HoonArranged by Hwang Sung Jeh*Just a feeling neu ggin keu dae ro mal haeThink about it joo juh ha ji maJust be waiting ee jen joon bi ga dwae ssuhNuh reul nae geh jwo nae ga kat geh ssuhchuh eum boo tuh da nal bo yuh jool soon uhb ji shin bi seu ruhn boon wi gi ro Oh yeah~ho gi shim eul ja geuk ha neun kuht do gwaen chan ha koong geum hae mi chil guht man keumkyuhl gook nuh neun nae geh oh geh dwel guh ya won han da myun nae gil guhl uh do jo hahan guhl eum sshik jo geum duh na gae ro da ga ga nuhl cha ji ha go mal guh ya Oh yeah~*ddan sa ram gwa da jung han nae mo seub eul sal myuh shi bo yuh jool guh ya Oh yeah~keu eh geh neun jo geum mi an han il ee ji man nuhl kat gi wi hae suh ni ggauh jjuhl jool eul mol ra ha neun ni pyo jung uh jjuhm keu ri soom gi ji reul mot ha nineu ggil soo ga ee ssuh ssuh nae kyuh teh keu sa ram chyuh da bo neun ni shi suhn***Just a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuhJust a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuh(tinkle, jingle, U-Jin(gle) ring a bell simple Get my phone-call come on~ sue sue bi du bi du~S.ecret S.E.S.ecret between U 'n me no more no way~ be suitable, lovable, reasonable, sweety~Sea ya see it don't make me humble, single, twinkle ladyWe'll be 1.2gether. treat me. 4 lover Just a feeling Think about it)ee ruhn na do mam ee pyun han geh ah nya hok shi ra do ni ga dol ah suhl gga bwakeu man nae geh mal hae jwo na reul sa rang han da go ki da ri go eet jan ha
credits to kpopforum.cjb.netSES 5th - 01 Just a Feeling (Original)Written by Juhn Soong Woo Composed by Kim Do HoonArranged by Kim Do Hoon*Just a feeling neu ggin keu dae ro mal haeThink about it joo juh ha ji maJust be waiting ee jen joon bi ga dwae ssuhNuh reul nae geh jwo nae ga kat geh ssuhchuh eum boo tuh da nal bo yuh jool soon uhb ji shin bi seu ruhn boon wi gi ro Oh yeah~ho gi shim eul ja geuk ha neun kuht do gwaen chan ha koong geum hae mi chil guht man keumkyuhl gook nuh neun nae geh oh geh dwel guh ya won han da myun nae gil guhl uh do jo hahan guhl eum sshik jo geum duh na gae ro da ga ga nuhl cha ji ha go mal guh ya Oh yeah~*ddan sa ram gwa da jung han nae mo seub eul sal myuh shi bo yuh jool guh ya Oh yeah~keu eh geh neun jo geum mi an han il ee ji man nuhl kat gi wi hae suh ni ggauh jjuhl jool eul mol ra ha neun ni pyo jung uh jjuhm keu ri soom gi ji reul mot ha nineu ggil soo ga ee ssuh ssuh nae kyuh teh keu sa ram chyuh da bo neun ni shi suhn***Just a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuhJust a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuhee ruhn na do mam ee pyun han geh ah nya hok shi ra do ni ga dol ah suhl gga bwakeu man nae geh mal hae jwo na reul sa rang han da go ki da ri go eet jan ha******
SES 5th - 02 You Told MeWritten by Kim Young HooComposed by Kim Young HooArranged by Kim Young Hoo*You told me that you love mekeu rwung geh do nal saeng gak hae ssuht niYou told me that you love meee jen nuhl nae kyuh teh suh no ha joo ji an heul guh yaTell me you love me ee raet da juh raet daoo yoo boo dan han nuh uh jjuh ran mal ee ya (ai yeah)Now that you told me ee jeh ya ni mam ahl geh ssuhja yuhn seu ruh oon na eui mam nuh do ee hae ha ni (yeah)**suhl myung hal soo neun uhb suh na eui ki boon eulsa rang seu ruhb geh nal ba ra bohl ddaen (yeah)*Tell me you love me yong gi eet geh na reulnuh eui ppoom eh an ah jwo ppo geun ha geh (baby)I crave this feeling ja shin ee uhb suh suhsoo joob eun mi so ro na eui mam eul juhn hae***hang sang nae geh keu ruhl soon uhb ji mansohl jik han mo seub do ee jen bo yuh jwokeu ruhn mo seub eh nan neh geh bba jyuh deul uh kal kuh ya (I'm gonna let you go?)**
SES 5th - 03 UWritten by Hong Ji YooComposed by Hwang Sung Jeh, Park Chang YuhnArranged by Hwang Sung Jeh, Park Chang YuhnOriginal Composer: Nick Manic, Keith Beauvaisnoo goo do na bo da joong yo ha ji an ha na eui sa rang ah ni ggaha ji man nuhn nae ga mam eh deul ji an neun jiwi myun ha go muhl uh ji go suh ro da reun sa ram man na ja go mal ha gokeu rae do nan shwib geh ppo gi ha ji an neun dehah ggim uhb neun nae mam eul joo ryuh go sa rang chat neun dang dang han na ni gga*Hey dude what you gonna do for menae mae ryuk eh dda ra wa ban hae buh ri go mal gguh yaHey dude what you gonna do for meah ni ra go mal hae do nuh do won ha jan ha nal jung mal sok ee ji mana bo da duh muht jin keu ruhn yuh ja han buhn ki ppi ki ppi cha ja bwana chuh ruhm nal ma da sae rob ji neun an jan hasang nyang ha go da juhng ha go ddae ron sa rang ah peh soo joob geh do byun ha goka ggeum eun nuh moo naeng juhng ha gin ha ji mannuh moo bba reun suhn taek ee him deul myun sa rang mo ah chun chun hee da ga wa**Hey dude what you gonna do for meji neu ggim ee ka teun na nuh eui ma eum eul yuhl uh bwaHey dude what you gonna do for menae ma buh beh kuhl rin nuh bba jyuh buh ril gguh ya nal jung mal sok ee ji ma(bridge)Hey, you, hey yea yea yea, hey you...what you gonna doHey, you, hey yea yea yea, hey you...what you gonna donuh moo bba reun suhn taek ee him deul myun sa rang mo ah chun chun hee da ga wahaeng bok ki bbeum hon ja hal soo uhb suh ee jen nae geh da ga wa***
SES 5th - 04 ChinGoo - DooBuhnJjaeEeYaGiWritten by Bae Hwa YoungComposed by Ko Young JoArranged by Ko Young JoI remember the days we loved ji nan keu shi juhl ki uhk hae man hee weh rob go him deul uht duhn nal wi hae kam ssa joon keu daeI remember the times we've sharedsuhn myung han keu choo uhk ee yuh juhn hee na eui ka seum sok eh na ma eet ji manDon't you know nan ool ji an heul guh ya ma ji mak ee ra hae do an nyoung ee ra neun keu mal so yong uhb neun guh yayoung won hee nuh reul nan bo nae ji an heul guh yaOh my love nan ki da ryuh yo oo ri da shi ham ggeh halkeu nal eul heun deul ri neun nal jab ah joon keu dae wa ee jen young won hee ko ma wona eui sa rang chuh eum nae geh sa rang eul juhn hae joon keu daekeu ma eum young won hee kan jik hal geh yo loving youI remember you smiled at medda seu han keu noon bit cheh oh neul do na neun keu ri wo ham jam eul suhl reh yoDon't you know nan ool ji an heul guh ya ma ji mak ee ra hae do an nyoung ee ra neun keu mal so yong uhb neun guh yayoung won hee nuh reul nan bo nae ji an heul guh yaOh my love nan ki da ryuh yo oo ri da shi ham ggeh halkeu nal eul heun deul ri neun nal jab ah joon keu dae wa ee jen young won hee ko ma wona eui sa rang chuh eum nae geh sa rang eul juhn hae joon keu daekeu ma eum young won hee kan jik hal geh yo loving youko ma wo na eui sa rang ha roo ha roo kuh ka neun nae mam domae il keu ma eum young won hee kan jik hal geh yo loving you
SES 5th - 05 Choose My LifeWritten by Yoon Hyo Sang, Lee So EunComposed by Hwang Sung JehArranged by Hwang Sung JehMaybe I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose,Keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~nae ah peh pyuhl chyuh jin ha roo reul na man eui saek eu ro chil hal ggeh nae sal meui joo in gong eun na ni gga seh sang eun keu ruhn na reul ki da ryuh na reul wi hae joon bi dwen ee muht jin moo dae eh hey! Come on my babyI don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeAnd keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~nuhn na reul bo go mal ha ji oon myung eun ee mi juhng hae jyuht da go seh sang eun keu ruhn kuh ra go na neun neh geh mal haet jioon myung eun uhb neun kuh ra gonae ga man deun da go~ nae an eh soom gyuh doon sa rang eul oh neul bam nuh eh geh juhn hal ggeh nae salm eui joo in gong eun na ni gga sa rang do ee jen nae ga suhn taek haena reul wi hae joon bi dwen ee muht jin sen sang eh hey! come on baby I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeAnd keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun~ nan jo geum duh muht jin nae ga dwel guh ya (Choo~ Choo~ Choose my life) nae an eui da reun na reul cha ja suh dang dang han nal~ Maybe I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeKeep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose, my lifeKeep on dreamingddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun~I don't have to be afraid againI have me & that is all I need choose,Keep on dreaming ddo ha roo reul shi jak ha neun na reul wi han jak eun suhn taek eun ba ro na nae ga pil yo han kuh seun so joong han nae ja shin in guhl~
SES 5th - 06 Dal Ri GiWritten by Park Chang HakComposed by Yoon SangArranged by Kang Ho Jungji gyuh oon ga yo him deun ga yo soom ee tuhk gga ji chat na yo hal soo uhb jyo uh cha ppi shi jak hae buh rin guh seul sso da ji neun haet sal so geh ee bi ba ssak mal ra wa do hal soo uhb jyo chang ppi ha geh muhm chwo suhl soon uhb seu ni dan han ga ji yak sok eun teuk rim uhb shi kkeut chi eet da neun guht kkeut nan dwi eh ji gyuh ool man keum oh raet dong an shwil soo eet da neun guht ji gyuh oon ga yo him deun ga yo soom ee tuhk gga ji chat na yo hal soo uhb jyo uh cha ppi shi jak hae buh rin guh seul sso da ji neun haet sal so geh ee bi ba ssak mal ra wa do hal soo uhb jyo chang ppi ha geh muhm chwo suhl soon uhb seu ni ee yoo do uhb shi ka ggeum eun noon mool na geh uhk ool ha geht jyo il deung ah nin bo tong sa ram deul eh gen bak soo jo cha nam eh il in guhl dan han ga ji yak sok eun teul rim uhb shi kkeut chi eet da neun guht kkeut nan dwi eh ji gyuh ool man keum oh raet dong an shwil soo eet da neun guhtIt's good enough for me bye bye bye bye x 4
SES 5th - 07 NaDo NamPyunEe EeSsuhSseuMyun JoGehtDaWritten by BadaComposed by Hong SukArranged by Hong Sukchin goo deul gwa oo yuhn hee young hwa reul bo go ki boon ee jo hakeu sa ram do oo yuhn hee ee young hwa reul han buhn jjeum bwa sseul ggaoo ri oon myung do keu young hwa sok eui yae gi chuh ruhm oh raen shi gan keu dae waweh rob geh han da myun uhl ma na jo heul gga nan saeng gak hae ssuh juhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha juhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha, nuh wa keu dael sa rang ha myun suh keu dael sa rang ha myun suh, kam ssa joo myun na do nam pyun ee ee ssuh sseu myun jo geh ssuhhan buhn ko baek hae bo go ban eung ee ah ni myun keu geh oot gokeu nyang hae bon so ri ya nong dam ee ra go dool ruh dae bol ggaee ruhn ba bo ka teun saeng gak eu ro ji saen bam eh gong boo ra do hae sseu myunjang bak geum do ta go seung ji do haet geht jji keu rae ssuht da myun juh ahl keu ruh myun jo ha jung mal keu ruh myun jo ha, nuh wa na neun ba bo kat ah go na neun ba bo kat ah go, saeng gak hae yona do nam pyun ee ee ssuh sseu myun jo geh ssuhjuhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha juhng mal keu ruh myun jo ha, nuh wa keu dael sa rang ha myun suh keu dael sa rang ha myun suh, kam ssa joo myun na do nam pyun ee ee ssuh sseu myun jo geh ssuh
SES 5th - 08 Requiem
Written by Lee Dong YuhnComposed by Lee Joon HoArranged by Lee Joon Ho*I wanna be insane to trust you not even in my hearthang sang nuhl hyang hae eet duhn nae mo deun guhlee go seh moo duh doo go ee jeh neun nuhl da ji ool gguh ya not even in my dream ee ruhn ee byuhl ah peh~ee dae ro nuhl ji ool gguh ya won ha ji an hat duhn nuh wa eui ee byuhl ee jam shi nae geh seu chyuh gan keu ruhn kkom ee uht gi reuluh doo oon shi gan ee da ji na go na myun da shi dol ah gal soo ee sseul guh ra **pieces of my broken heart ggae jin guh ool eui jo gak eu ro na eui ka seum eh deul uh oh go pieces of my wounded heart ee jen ji chyuh buh rin ma eum eul neh geh bo nae joo ryuh hae woo baby~ *ib ga eh muh moo neun nuhl dal meun mi so wa nae geh sang chuh ro nam eun nuh neun bo ee ji an goddo da reun ha roo reul shi jak ha myun suh ae ssuh weh myun ha neun ee keu ri oom~~***[rap]him deul ddaen hang sang nae kyuh teh suh nuhl ji kyuh joo geht da neun neh han ma di nuhl so joong hee mi duh wa ssuht duhn uh jeh eui naemo seub do da ji wo joo geh ssuh**
SES 5th - 09 Kido
Written by Park Kyung JinComposed by Eun BiArranged by Eun Bi, Hong Jung Soochuh eum keu dae bon keu nal bo tuh hon ja man deul ri geh ki do haet jyo...nae kyuh teh suh hang sang sal geh hae dal ra go nae sa rang il soo eet geh...keu dael man na nae sa rang dwen hoo mo doo ga deul ri geh ki do haet jyo...nae kyuh teh suh ee jeh ham ggyeh hal guh ra man sa rang hal sa ram ee ra go...young won hee keu ruhl kuh ra go...keu dae ga dduh na go... da shi ki do haet jyo...dol ah wa dal ra go... keu dae man deul ri geh ee jeh duh ka myun nuh moo ji eet neun go seu ro dol ah oh neun geh him ee deul gga bwa...keu dae dduh na gin shi gan ji na eet geh hae dal ra go ki do hae yo...nuh moo man hee ah ppa suh ee dae ro keu dae reul duh neun ka seum eh moo duh doon chae ro ji nael soo uhb seul kuht ka ta...keu dae reul ee juh yo ji chyuh jam ee deul myun...keu dae ga dduh ohl ra... da shi ah chim ee myun... nae ga jam deul uh eet neun dong an...nae mam uh di suh do bo ee ji an geh dduh na ga jwo yo...keu dae dduh na ji an neun da myun nae ga bo nae ya ha jan ha yo...keu dael bo nae ryuh go ddo ki do ha myun mi wo ha geh dwel gga... doo ryuh wo jyuh...keu dae reul ee juh yo... ee jeul soo uhb suh yo...keu dae ga dduh ohl ra... jeh bahl dduh na jwo yo...nae ga jam deul uh eet neun dong an... nae mam uh di suh do bo ee ji an geh dduh na ga jwo yo...keu dae reul ee juh yo... ji chyuh jam ee deul myun...keu dae ga dduh ohl ra... da shi ah chim ee myun...jam ee ggaen nae ga mo reu do rok... nae mam uh di suh do bo ee ji an geh dduh na ga jwo yo...
SES 5th - 10 Red Angel
Written by Lee Joon HoComposed by Lee Joon HoArranged by Lee Joon HoFall in night nae ga kkoom ggoo neun kot kkeut uhb shi nal mool deul ee neun nae an eui ddo da reun nal cha ja mo doo da muhl ri buh ryuh doo go... (I don't want to stay) na reul won ha neun soo man heun shi suhn gwa kam chwo jin desire chun sa eui uhl gool ro ka ryuh jin na eui red angel ee jen bo ee ryuh go hae seul peun na eui red angelji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind Just can't keep it in my mindnat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyesCome on now that I've seen you in my dreamI can't find a way to get you out of my head clean help me god what can I do to make it last forever let me not wake up and be anotherdreamer once again lonely lover try to make it better no more pain take away the heart-breaker look in my eyes and tell me waht you see now fire desire heart break of the dream love (I don't want to stay) ji ool soo uhb neun ee ki peun sang chuh nal mi chi geh ha go ee jeh neun duh ee sang muhm chool soo uhb neun nae mo seubddo da reun fall in night seul peun na eui red angel ji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind Just can't keep it in my mindnat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyes keep it, keep it in my eyes (touch me) seul peun na eui red angel ji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind Just can't keep it in my mind nat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyes (keep it in my mind) seul peun na eui red angel ji chin na reul dal rae neun Just can't keep it in my mind (keep it in my mind) nat suhn sa ram gwa ji saen seul peun na eui red angel Just can't keep it in my eyes
SES 5th - 11 Yong GiWritten by Suk Sung WonComposed by Choi Soong MinArranged by Choi Soong Minnuh eui kyuh teh suh ra myun na neun doo ryuhb ji an hada na reul buh ryuh do dduh na ji mal ahnuh eh geh mo deun guhl mat gil teh niee jen mal hae joo geht ni na do won ha go ee ssuhnuhl ki da rin kuh ya nal no ji manuh eui chak gak il bboon yajuhng mal na reul won han da myunda mal hae joo geht ni sa rang han da goneul nae kyuht cheul suh suhng ee duhn nuh ran kuhl ahl ahppi ha ryuh go han guhn ah nyanuhl ki da ryuht duhn kuh ya nal mi duh joo geht niIf you leave me nowah shwi oom eh him deul guh yaCan you hold me nowni gyuh teh suh shwil soo eet do rokna reul duh ee sang eun hon ja doo jin mada shin ba bo chuh ruhm pi ha ji neun maee jen mal hae joo geht ni na do won ha go ee ssuhnuhl ki da rin kuh ya nal no ji manuh eui chak gak il bboon yajuhng mal na reul won han da myun da mal hae joo geht ni sa rang han da go neul nae mam eul heun deul uht duhn nuh ran kuhl ah ninuhl bol soo rok him deul uh suh muhm chwo ee ssuht duhn kuh ya nal ee hae ha geht niIf you leave me nowah shwi oom eh him deul guh yaCan you hold me nowni gyuh teh suh shwil soo eet do rokna reul duh ee sang eun hon ja doo jin mada shin ba bo chuh ruhm pi ha ji neun maee jen doo ryuhb ji an ha ni ga yuh gi eet neun guhlnae son eul jab ah jwo nal an ah jwoda shi man na geh dweh myun nuhl reul won haet duhn man keumda mal hae joo geh ssuh sa rang han do gonuhl saeng gak ha myun hal soo rokmal ha go ship uh ssuh nae mam eul (for you)ddo hoo hweh ha ji an geh ka gga ee da ga waee jen mal hae joo geht ni na do won ha go ee ssuhnuhl ki da rin kuh ya nal jo ji manuh eui chak gak il bboon yajuhng mal na reul won han da myun da mal hae joo geht ni sa rang han da gonuh eh geh mo deun guhl mat gil teh ni...
SES 5th - 12 EetJi MotHae
Written by Kwon Ki MyungComposed by Kwon Ki MyungArranged by An Ik Sooki uhk ha go ship jin an ha ssuhji na gan nuh eui mo seub ma juh do ah peum man ee nae geh cha ja ohl bboon yadwel dol ri ryuh ha ji mal ah jwonae geh mal eul hae bwa nuh eui keu ruhn tae do neun nae gen ba bo ka teun byun myung in guhlnuh neun mo reu geht ni ee ruhn na eui ma eum eul say my love wae byun hae gan guh ya eet ji mot hae ni ga han ji nan ki uhk deul eun ee jjeum eh suh nuh eh geh dol ryuh jool guh yaeet ji mot hae uhn jeh na ham ggeh han oo ri eui ji nan choo uhk eul bo nae ya hae nae mam eui sang chuh do nan keu rwung geh dduh na bo naet jina wa eui ah peun ki uhk ma juh do ee ruhn nal nuhn ee hae hal soo uhb geht jinae ga won han geh ah ni jan ha nae geh mal eul hae bwa nuh eui keu ruhn tae do neun nae gen ba bo ka teun byun myung bboon in guhlnuh neun mo reu geht ni ee ruhn na eui ma eum eul say my lovewae byun hae gan guh ya eet ji mot hae ni ga han ji nan ki uhk deul eun ee jjeum eh suh nuh eh geh dol ryuh jool guh yaeet ji mot hae uhn jeh na ham ggeh han oo ri eui ji nan choo uhk eul bo nae ya hae nae mam eui sang chuh do ka gga ee bo go ship uh man hee ool gi do hae ssuhee ruhn na eh geh nuhn ee ruhl soo ga eet ni mal do an dweh neun il in guh ya eet ji mot hae ni ga han ji nan ki uhk deul eun ee jjeum eh suh nuh eh geh dol ryuh jool guh yaeet ji mot hae uhn jeh na ham ggeh han oo ri eui ji nan choo uhk eul bo nae ya hae nae mam eui sang chuh do
SES 5th - 13 NaeGehRo
Written by Kim Young HeeComposed by Park Seh JoonArranged by Pyo Guhn Soonae ga nuhl chuh eum bon keu nal eh nuh eui po juhng sok eh soom gyuh jyuh eet duhn seul peun sang chuh reul nuheui huh rak uhb shi nan bo ah ssuh (in my mind) ji geum do saeng gak ha goeet ni nuhl ah peu geh man haet duhn keu nyuhl ji ool soon uhb suh ka seum an eh sa rang eu ro ki oo go eet niI wanna be your love (be your love) love me bebe~ee jeh neun nuh eui ma eum eul nae geh jwo hang sang nuh man eul ba ra bo neun nae geh ae tae oo ji mal go nae geh ro I wanna be your love (be your love) love me baby~duh ee sang nuh man eui sang chuh ga ah ni ya mae il noon mool ro ka deuk cha eet neun nal an ah jwo na reul sa rang hae jwo oo ri man nan ji do il nyun dwae ha roo ha roo sok eh na eui ki bbeum ee seul puh bo ee ni keu guhn nuh eui seul peum ddae moon in guhl (in my mind) ji geum do nuhl ki da ri go ee ssuh nuhl sa rang ha geh haet duhn keu nyuhl won mang mot huh go nuh eui mam ee nae geh dol ah oh gil ki da ryuh I wanna be your love (be your love) love me bebe~ee jeh neun nuh eui ma eum eul nae geh jwo hang sang nuh man eul ba ra bo neun nae geh ae tae oo ji mal go nae geh ro I will be there for you (be your love) love you bebe~duh ee sang nuh man eui sang chuh ga ah ni ya mae il noon mool ro ka deuk cha eet neun nal an ah jwosa rang hae jwo ah peu geh ha ji ma
SES 5th - 14 Just a Feeling (Remix)
Written by Juhn Soong Woo Composed by Kim Do HoonArranged by Hwang Sung Jeh*Just a feeling neu ggin keu dae ro mal haeThink about it joo juh ha ji maJust be waiting ee jen joon bi ga dwae ssuhNuh reul nae geh jwo nae ga kat geh ssuhchuh eum boo tuh da nal bo yuh jool soon uhb ji shin bi seu ruhn boon wi gi ro Oh yeah~ho gi shim eul ja geuk ha neun kuht do gwaen chan ha koong geum hae mi chil guht man keumkyuhl gook nuh neun nae geh oh geh dwel guh ya won han da myun nae gil guhl uh do jo hahan guhl eum sshik jo geum duh na gae ro da ga ga nuhl cha ji ha go mal guh ya Oh yeah~*ddan sa ram gwa da jung han nae mo seub eul sal myuh shi bo yuh jool guh ya Oh yeah~keu eh geh neun jo geum mi an han il ee ji man nuhl kat gi wi hae suh ni ggauh jjuhl jool eul mol ra ha neun ni pyo jung uh jjuhm keu ri soom gi ji reul mot ha nineu ggil soo ga ee ssuh ssuh nae kyuh teh keu sa ram chyuh da bo neun ni shi suhn***Just a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuhJust a feeling That's I can show you Think about itki da ri go ee ssuh(tinkle, jingle, U-Jin(gle) ring a bell simple Get my phone-call come on~ sue sue bi du bi du~S.ecret S.E.S.ecret between U 'n me no more no way~ be suitable, lovable, reasonable, sweety~Sea ya see it don't make me humble, single, twinkle ladyWe'll be 1.2gether. treat me. 4 lover Just a feeling Think about it)ee ruhn na do mam ee pyun han geh ah nya hok shi ra do ni ga dol ah suhl gga bwakeu man nae geh mal hae jwo na reul sa rang han da go ki da ri go eet jan ha
Minerals and cofactors
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Physiology, bioinorganic chemistry, cofactor and iron metabolism
Inorganic elements play critical roles in metabolism; some are abundant (e.g. sodium and potassium) while others function at minute concentrations. About 99% of mammals' mass are the elements carbon, nitrogen, calcium, sodium, chlorine, potassium, hydrogen, phosphorous, oxygen and sulfur.[17] The organic compounds (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) contain the majority of the carbon and nitrogen and most of the oxygen and hydrogen is present as water.[17]
The abundant inorganic elements act as ionic electrolytes. The most important ions are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, and the organic ion bicarbonate. The maintenance of precise gradients across cell membranes maintains osmotic pressure and pH.[18] Ions are also critical for nerves and muscles, as action potentials in these tissues are produced by the exchange of electrolytes between the extracellular fluid and the cytosol.[19] Electrolytes enter and leave cells through proteins in the cell membrane called ion channels. For example, muscle contraction depends upon the movement of calcium, sodium and potassium through ion channels in the cell membrane and T-tubules.[20]
The transition metals are usually present as trace elements in organisms, with zinc and iron being most abundant.[21]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-Husted"[22] These metals are used in some proteins as cofactors and are essential for the activity of enzymes such as catalase and oxygen-carrier proteins such as hemoglobin.[23] These cofactors are bound tightly to a specific protein; although enzyme cofactors can be modified during catalysis, cofactors always return to their original state after catalysis has taken place. The metal micronutrients are taken up into organisms by specific transporters and bound to storage proteins such as ferritin or metallothionein when not being used.[24]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-16"[25]
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Physiology, bioinorganic chemistry, cofactor and iron metabolism
Inorganic elements play critical roles in metabolism; some are abundant (e.g. sodium and potassium) while others function at minute concentrations. About 99% of mammals' mass are the elements carbon, nitrogen, calcium, sodium, chlorine, potassium, hydrogen, phosphorous, oxygen and sulfur.[17] The organic compounds (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) contain the majority of the carbon and nitrogen and most of the oxygen and hydrogen is present as water.[17]
The abundant inorganic elements act as ionic electrolytes. The most important ions are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, and the organic ion bicarbonate. The maintenance of precise gradients across cell membranes maintains osmotic pressure and pH.[18] Ions are also critical for nerves and muscles, as action potentials in these tissues are produced by the exchange of electrolytes between the extracellular fluid and the cytosol.[19] Electrolytes enter and leave cells through proteins in the cell membrane called ion channels. For example, muscle contraction depends upon the movement of calcium, sodium and potassium through ion channels in the cell membrane and T-tubules.[20]
The transition metals are usually present as trace elements in organisms, with zinc and iron being most abundant.[21]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-Husted"[22] These metals are used in some proteins as cofactors and are essential for the activity of enzymes such as catalase and oxygen-carrier proteins such as hemoglobin.[23] These cofactors are bound tightly to a specific protein; although enzyme cofactors can be modified during catalysis, cofactors always return to their original state after catalysis has taken place. The metal micronutrients are taken up into organisms by specific transporters and bound to storage proteins such as ferritin or metallothionein when not being used.[24]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-16"[25]

Glucose can exist in both a straight-chain and ring form
taken from Wikipedia
Carbohydrates are straight-chain aldehydes or ketones with many hydroxyl groups that can exist as straight chains or rings. Carbohydrates are the most abundant biological molecules, and fill numerous roles, such as the storage and transport of energy (starch, glycogen) and structural components (cellulose in plants, chitin in animals).[6] The basic carbohydrate units are called monosaccharides and include galactose, fructose, and most importantly glucose. Monosaccharides can be linked together to form polysaccharides in almost limitless ways.[10]
The polymers DNA and RNA are long chains of nucleotides. These molecules are critical for the storage and use of genetic information, through the processes of transcription and protein biosynthesis.[6] This information is protected by DNA repair mechanisms and propagated through DNA replication. A few viruses have an RNA genome, for example HIV, which uses reverse transcription to create a DNA template from its viral RNA genome.[11] RNA in ribozymes such as spliceosomes and ribosomes is similar to enzymes as it can catalyze chemical reactions. Individual nucleosides are made by attaching a nucleobase to a ribose sugar. These bases are heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen, classified as purines or pyrimidines. Nucleotides also act as coenzymes in metabolic group transfer reactions.[12]
taken from Wikipedia
Carbohydrates are straight-chain aldehydes or ketones with many hydroxyl groups that can exist as straight chains or rings. Carbohydrates are the most abundant biological molecules, and fill numerous roles, such as the storage and transport of energy (starch, glycogen) and structural components (cellulose in plants, chitin in animals).[6] The basic carbohydrate units are called monosaccharides and include galactose, fructose, and most importantly glucose. Monosaccharides can be linked together to form polysaccharides in almost limitless ways.[10]
The polymers DNA and RNA are long chains of nucleotides. These molecules are critical for the storage and use of genetic information, through the processes of transcription and protein biosynthesis.[6] This information is protected by DNA repair mechanisms and propagated through DNA replication. A few viruses have an RNA genome, for example HIV, which uses reverse transcription to create a DNA template from its viral RNA genome.[11] RNA in ribozymes such as spliceosomes and ribosomes is similar to enzymes as it can catalyze chemical reactions. Individual nucleosides are made by attaching a nucleobase to a ribose sugar. These bases are heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen, classified as purines or pyrimidines. Nucleotides also act as coenzymes in metabolic group transfer reactions.[12]
Amino acids and proteins
taken from Wikipedia
Proteins are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds. Many proteins are the enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions in metabolism. Other proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as the proteins in the cytoskeleton that form a system of scaffolding to maintain cell shape.[5] Proteins are also important in cell signaling, immune responses, cell adhesion, active transport across membranes and the cell cycle.[6]
Lipids are the most diverse group of biochemicals. Their main structural uses are as part of biological membranes such as the cell membrane, or as a source of energy.[6] Lipids are usually defined as hydrophobic or amphipathic biological molecules that will dissolve in organic solvents such as benzene or chloroform.[7] The fats are a large group of compounds that contain fatty acids and glycerol; a glycerol molecule attached to three fatty acid esters is a triacylglyceride.[8] Several variations on this basic structure exist, including alternate backbones such as sphingosine in the sphingolipids, and hydrophilic groups such as phosphate in phospholipids. Steroids such as cholesterol are another major class of lipids that are made in cells.[9]
taken from Wikipedia
Proteins are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds. Many proteins are the enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions in metabolism. Other proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as the proteins in the cytoskeleton that form a system of scaffolding to maintain cell shape.[5] Proteins are also important in cell signaling, immune responses, cell adhesion, active transport across membranes and the cell cycle.[6]
Lipids are the most diverse group of biochemicals. Their main structural uses are as part of biological membranes such as the cell membrane, or as a source of energy.[6] Lipids are usually defined as hydrophobic or amphipathic biological molecules that will dissolve in organic solvents such as benzene or chloroform.[7] The fats are a large group of compounds that contain fatty acids and glycerol; a glycerol molecule attached to three fatty acid esters is a triacylglyceride.[8] Several variations on this basic structure exist, including alternate backbones such as sphingosine in the sphingolipids, and hydrophilic groups such as phosphate in phospholipids. Steroids such as cholesterol are another major class of lipids that are made in cells.[9]
Key biochemicals
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Biomolecule, cell (biology) and biochemistry
Most of the structures that make up animals, plants and microbes are made from three basic classes of molecule: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids (often called fats). As these molecules are vital for life, metabolism focuses on making these molecules, in the construction of cells and tissues, or breaking them down and using them as a source of energy, in the digestion and use of food. Many important biochemicals can be joined together to make polymers such as DNA and proteins.
taken from Wikipedia
Further information: Biomolecule, cell (biology) and biochemistry
Most of the structures that make up animals, plants and microbes are made from three basic classes of molecule: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids (often called fats). As these molecules are vital for life, metabolism focuses on making these molecules, in the construction of cells and tissues, or breaking them down and using them as a source of energy, in the digestion and use of food. Many important biochemicals can be joined together to make polymers such as DNA and proteins.
taken from wikipedia
Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms in order to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism breaks down large molecules, for example to harvest energy in cellular respiration. Anabolism, on the other hand, uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.
The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed into another by a sequence of enzymes. Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because they allow organisms to drive desirable but thermodynamically unfavorable reactions by coupling them to favorable ones. Enzymes also allow the regulation of metabolic pathways in response to changes in the cell's environment or signals from other cells.
The metabolism of an organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which it will find poisonous. For example, some prokaryotes use hydrogen sulfide as a nutrient, yet this gas is poisonous to animals.[1] The speed of metabolism, the metabolic rate, also influences how much food an organism will require.
A striking feature of metabolism is the similarity of the basic metabolic pathways between even vastly different species. For example, the set of carboxylic acids that are best known as the intermediates in the citric acid cycle are present in all organisms, being found in species as diverse as the unicellular bacteria Escherichia coli and huge multicellular organisms like elephants.[2] These striking similarities in metabolism are most likely the result of the high efficiency of these pathways, and of their early appearance in evolutionary history.[3]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-Cascante"[4]
taken from wikipedia
Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms in order to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism breaks down large molecules, for example to harvest energy in cellular respiration. Anabolism, on the other hand, uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.
The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed into another by a sequence of enzymes. Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because they allow organisms to drive desirable but thermodynamically unfavorable reactions by coupling them to favorable ones. Enzymes also allow the regulation of metabolic pathways in response to changes in the cell's environment or signals from other cells.
The metabolism of an organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which it will find poisonous. For example, some prokaryotes use hydrogen sulfide as a nutrient, yet this gas is poisonous to animals.[1] The speed of metabolism, the metabolic rate, also influences how much food an organism will require.
A striking feature of metabolism is the similarity of the basic metabolic pathways between even vastly different species. For example, the set of carboxylic acids that are best known as the intermediates in the citric acid cycle are present in all organisms, being found in species as diverse as the unicellular bacteria Escherichia coli and huge multicellular organisms like elephants.[2] These striking similarities in metabolism are most likely the result of the high efficiency of these pathways, and of their early appearance in evolutionary history.[3]HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-Cascante"[4]
Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008
Former language minorities
taken from wikipedia
Map of the Estonian islands which formerly housed "Coastal Swede" populations
From the 13th to 20th century, there were Swedish-speaking communities in Estonia, particularly on the islands (e.g., Hiiumaa, Vormsi, Ruhnu in Swedish: Dagö, Ormsö, Runö, respectively) along the coast of the Baltic, which today have all but disappeared. The Swedish-speaking minority was represented in parliament, and entitled to use their native language in parliamentary debates. After the loss of Estonia to the Russian Empire in the early 18th century, around 1,000 Estonian Swedish speakers were forced to march to southern Ukraine, where they founded a village, Gammalsvenskby ("Old Swedish Village"). A few elderly people in the village still speak Swedish and observe the holidays of the Swedish calendar, although the dialect is most likely facing extinction.[7]
From 1918–1930, when Estonia was independent, the small Swedish community was well treated. Municipalities with a Swedish majority, mainly found along the coast, used Swedish as the administrative language and Swedish-Estonian culture saw an upswing. However, most Swedish-speaking people fled to Sweden before the end of World War II prior to the invasion of Estonia by the Soviet army in 1944. Only a handful of older speakers remain today.[8]
Geographic distribution
Swedish is the national language of Sweden and the first language for the overwhelming majority of roughly eight million Swedish born inhabitants and acquired by one million immigrants. In the latter half of the 2000s, around 5.5% of the population of Finland are Swedish speakers,[9] though the percentage has declined steadily over the last 400 years.[10] The Finland Swedish minority is concentrated in the coastal areas and archipelagos of southern and western Finland. In some of these areas, Swedish is the dominating language. In 19 municipalities, 16 of which are located in Åland, Swedish is the only official language.[11] In several more, it is the majority language and it is an official minority language in even more. There is considerable migration between the Nordic countries, but due to the similarity between the languages and cultures (with the exception of Finnish), expatriates generally assimilate quickly and do not stand out as a group. According to the 2000 US census some 67,000 people over age five were reported as Swedish speakers, though without any information on actual language proficiency.[12] Outside Sweden, there are about 40,000 active learners enrolled in Swedish language courses.[13]
Official status
A Finnish/Swedish street sign
Swedish in Sweden is considered the "main language" and is used as the primary language used in local and state government, but not legally recognised as an official language. A bill was proposed in 2005 that would have made Swedish an official language, but failed to pass by the narrowest possible margin (145–147) due to a pairing-off failure.[14]
Swedish is the only official language of Åland (an autonomous province under the sovereignty of Finland) where the vast majority of the 26,000 inhabitants speak Swedish as a first language. In Finland, Swedish is the second national language alongside Finnish on the state level, and an official language in some rural and coastal municipalities. Three municipalities (Korsnäs, Närpes, Larsmo) in continental Finland have Swedish as their sole official language. In the Estonian village Noarootsi, Swedish is the official language together with Estonian.[15] Swedish is also one of the official languages of the European Union and one of the working languages of the Nordic Council. Under the Nordic Language Convention, citizens of the Nordic countries speaking Swedish have the opportunity to use their native language when interacting with official bodies in other Nordic countries without being liable to any interpretation or translation costs.[16][17]
Regulatory bodies
The Swedish Language Council (Språkrådet) is the official regulator of Swedish, but does not attempt to enforce control of the language, as for instance the Académie française does. However, many organizations and agencies require the use of the council's publication Svenska skrivregler in official contexts, with it otherwise being regarded as a de facto orthographic standard. Among the many organizations that make up the Swedish Language Council, the Swedish Academy (established 1786) is arguably the most influential. Its primary instruments are the dictionaries Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL, currently in its 13th edition) and Svenska Akademiens Ordbok, in addition to various books on grammar, spelling and manuals of style. Even though the dictionaries are sometimes used as official decrees of the language, their main purpose is to describe current usage.
In Finland a special branch of the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland has official status as the regulatory body for Swedish in Finland. Among its highest priorities is to maintain intelligibility with the language spoken in Sweden. It has published Finlandssvensk ordbok, a dictionary about the differences between Swedish in Finland and in Sweden from their point of view.
Former language minorities
taken from wikipedia
Map of the Estonian islands which formerly housed "Coastal Swede" populations
From the 13th to 20th century, there were Swedish-speaking communities in Estonia, particularly on the islands (e.g., Hiiumaa, Vormsi, Ruhnu in Swedish: Dagö, Ormsö, Runö, respectively) along the coast of the Baltic, which today have all but disappeared. The Swedish-speaking minority was represented in parliament, and entitled to use their native language in parliamentary debates. After the loss of Estonia to the Russian Empire in the early 18th century, around 1,000 Estonian Swedish speakers were forced to march to southern Ukraine, where they founded a village, Gammalsvenskby ("Old Swedish Village"). A few elderly people in the village still speak Swedish and observe the holidays of the Swedish calendar, although the dialect is most likely facing extinction.[7]
From 1918–1930, when Estonia was independent, the small Swedish community was well treated. Municipalities with a Swedish majority, mainly found along the coast, used Swedish as the administrative language and Swedish-Estonian culture saw an upswing. However, most Swedish-speaking people fled to Sweden before the end of World War II prior to the invasion of Estonia by the Soviet army in 1944. Only a handful of older speakers remain today.[8]
Geographic distribution
Swedish is the national language of Sweden and the first language for the overwhelming majority of roughly eight million Swedish born inhabitants and acquired by one million immigrants. In the latter half of the 2000s, around 5.5% of the population of Finland are Swedish speakers,[9] though the percentage has declined steadily over the last 400 years.[10] The Finland Swedish minority is concentrated in the coastal areas and archipelagos of southern and western Finland. In some of these areas, Swedish is the dominating language. In 19 municipalities, 16 of which are located in Åland, Swedish is the only official language.[11] In several more, it is the majority language and it is an official minority language in even more. There is considerable migration between the Nordic countries, but due to the similarity between the languages and cultures (with the exception of Finnish), expatriates generally assimilate quickly and do not stand out as a group. According to the 2000 US census some 67,000 people over age five were reported as Swedish speakers, though without any information on actual language proficiency.[12] Outside Sweden, there are about 40,000 active learners enrolled in Swedish language courses.[13]
Official status
A Finnish/Swedish street sign
Swedish in Sweden is considered the "main language" and is used as the primary language used in local and state government, but not legally recognised as an official language. A bill was proposed in 2005 that would have made Swedish an official language, but failed to pass by the narrowest possible margin (145–147) due to a pairing-off failure.[14]
Swedish is the only official language of Åland (an autonomous province under the sovereignty of Finland) where the vast majority of the 26,000 inhabitants speak Swedish as a first language. In Finland, Swedish is the second national language alongside Finnish on the state level, and an official language in some rural and coastal municipalities. Three municipalities (Korsnäs, Närpes, Larsmo) in continental Finland have Swedish as their sole official language. In the Estonian village Noarootsi, Swedish is the official language together with Estonian.[15] Swedish is also one of the official languages of the European Union and one of the working languages of the Nordic Council. Under the Nordic Language Convention, citizens of the Nordic countries speaking Swedish have the opportunity to use their native language when interacting with official bodies in other Nordic countries without being liable to any interpretation or translation costs.[16][17]
Regulatory bodies
The Swedish Language Council (Språkrådet) is the official regulator of Swedish, but does not attempt to enforce control of the language, as for instance the Académie française does. However, many organizations and agencies require the use of the council's publication Svenska skrivregler in official contexts, with it otherwise being regarded as a de facto orthographic standard. Among the many organizations that make up the Swedish Language Council, the Swedish Academy (established 1786) is arguably the most influential. Its primary instruments are the dictionaries Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL, currently in its 13th edition) and Svenska Akademiens Ordbok, in addition to various books on grammar, spelling and manuals of style. Even though the dictionaries are sometimes used as official decrees of the language, their main purpose is to describe current usage.
In Finland a special branch of the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland has official status as the regulatory body for Swedish in Finland. Among its highest priorities is to maintain intelligibility with the language spoken in Sweden. It has published Finlandssvensk ordbok, a dictionary about the differences between Swedish in Finland and in Sweden from their point of view.
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